ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 18
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
Collection of mysticism. + author’s biography including essays about books
Tsvetana AlРµkhina
Сборник ранее опубликованных произведений.Three seasons of mysticism! “The whirlpool” – a guy while swimming in a thunderstorm becomes a mutant and it is difficult for him to survive in the world of people. “The Diary of the Tambov wolf – the friendship of a man and a predator ceases to be something more. “In the arms of Mary” – the main character during a visit to the grave of his grandmother falls into the kingdom of the goddess Mary and realizes that he does not want to return.
Collection ofВ mysticism
+ author’s biography including essays about books
Tsvetana AlРµkhina
© Tsvetana Alеkhina, 2022
ISBNВ 978-5-0056-1862-7
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
When IВ opened my eyes and looked around, it took me aВ while toВ figure out where IВ was. My face and hands were stinging from the injury. When IВ came toВ myself, IВ realized that IВ was inВ aВ hospital room. There were four beds inВ the ward, two ofВ which were vacant my neighbor was opposite me. Remembering recent events, IВ could not make up the whole picture. IВ could not believe what IВ saw. Alternatively, was it aВ terrible dream? Alternatively, just hallucinations from the cold? The last thing IВ remember is that IВ was alone inВ an unfamiliar area; it was like an icy plain, aВ blizzard was circling around, and aВ beautiful woman was standing inВ front ofВ me and mercilessly laughing at me. IВ closed my eyes and began toВ remember what had happened toВ me.
Various episodes surfaced inВ my memories, inВ one ofВ which IВ remember the kingdom ofВ the underworld. IВ was standing inВ aВ clearing covered with moss; it looked like an age-old jungle. There was aВ fire burning inВ the clearing, little men were running around the fire and squeaking disgustingly, they looked more like aВ bat. An old woman was standing near the fire; she was saying something and throwing wood on the fire. She looked like aВ beggar, covered with an old decrepit blanket, her body was covered with terrible scars, and her breasts hung down toВ her stomach. IВ pressed myself against an oak tree and watched the whole picture, not understanding how IВ got here. It was like aВ Sabbath. These evil spirits did not seem toВ notice me, and IВ did not want them toВ notice me. At the same time, it seemed toВ me that they were pretending not toВ notice me. The old woman glanced inВ my direction from time toВ time and poured some ashes into the fire. IВ was shaking all over from what was happening, and IВ just wanted toВ disappear from this place. Not even toВ run, but toВ disappear. IВ was afraid toВ move, so that no one would notice me. Suddenly, the fire suddenly went out, the little demons ran screaming. The whole picture disappeared and aВ blizzard rose. The clearing, covered with moss, turned into aВ winter garden. IВ stood huddled against the oak tree, not understanding what was happening, and it became even scarier for me. IВ began toВ shake from the cold, and my soul was shaking with icy fear. The blizzard began toВ subside, and turned into aВ damn beautiful, fatal, insidious woman. At the same moment, the winter garden and all its inhabitants disappeared, and IВ found myself alone with this woman on an icy plain. Then my visions were mixed up, and IВ leaned back on the pillow with my eyes closed.
IВ fell into aВ deep sleep, hoping toВ see and remember who this woman was once again. Her beauty threw me off balance. IВ woke up inВ deep disappointment. IВ did not dream anything. The only joy was that IВ was able toВ get out ofВ bed, and even hang my legs off the bed. The face and hands made themselves felt less. After examining the ward, this time more carefully, it seemed quite cozy toВ me. The walls are cream-colored. Bright windows and pleasant curtains created aВ homely atmosphere. Taking aВ deep breath, IВ looked towards the front door, it immediately opened, and IВ shuddered. My neighbor came in, IВ immediately remembered him when IВ saw him for the first time. IВ have aВ good visual memory.
The neighbor greeted me affably. – From the timid? He said these words in jest, and I did not know what to answer. I could not tell what I had experienced. Moreover, was it a reality?
– Yes, no. Just thinking. I realized that my neighbor is simple, with a heightened sense of humor. We talked with him a little bit, and we did not even get to know each other. I went out into the corridor and walked around a bit, stood by the window. It was a fierce winter outside the window, and another picture presented itself to me.
IВ remembered that IВ tried toВ escape from the clearing, toВ find shelter, but aВ blizzard caught me and carried me away. She took it away like some kind ofВ kitten. IВ could not understand if this really happens. IВ remembered that IВ was actually flying. IВ was even ashamed toВ mention it toВ someone. IВ returned toВ the ward, began toВ remember how it all started, where IВ am, and how IВ got here.
Returning to the ward, I sat down on my bed. My neighbor across the street was doing a crossword puzzle. After asking me the answer to one of the questions, he got a question instead. – How did I end up here?
– Two friends brought you. I think you fell asleep on the street and frostbitten your limbs. That is all I know.
– And how long ago?
– Tonight.
It made me feel better that it was not aВ week. Memory was returning. IВ got into my nightstand, and found aВ cell phone, though discharged, documents and some money. After having dinner with aВ neighbor, IВ joined him toВ solve aВ crossword puzzle. AВ nurse came into the room and smeared my hands and face with some kind ofВ cream. Then she left, slamming the door.
– This is an evil person. Tomorrow the good one will come, the neighbor said with an ironic smile. Smiling back, I began to get ready for bed. – Why are you so scared? All somewhat intimidated? Who offended you here?
– No. I replied dryly.
– What is your name?
– Victor.
– My name is Vova. Tell me what happened. Maybe I can help.
IВ wanted so much toВ tell everything toВ the first person IВ met, but IВ was afraid that they would laugh at me. InВ addition, IВ could not. Instead, IВ asked aВ new friend for aВ charger. Turning on the phone, IВ quickly wrote aВ letter toВ my sister, forgetting about the time difference. The next day my friends came toВ me and told me how they had savedВ me.
When I returned to my room, I literally bumped into Vova. —Did they do that to you?» I realized that Vova would not let his friends offend, and would not leave me alone. I sat down on the edge of the bed and, not knowing how to begin, began my story.
I flew to Norilsk to visit my grandmother’s grave. This year she had an anniversary of ten years. Our grandmother lived in Norilsk all her life, and my sister and I only occasionally flew with my mother to visit my grandmother. Sometimes Grandma came to visit us. My sister could not fly with me because she has two children. I still have childhood friends in Norilsk, with whom I played when I flew to my grandmother. They welcomed me with joy, and I stayed with them.
Remembering my grandmother, my friends and I laughed at the stories she told me as a child. These stories were like fiction, but my grandmother assured me that it was true. When I arrived at the cemetery, I started looking for my grandmother’s grave and got lost. My friends stayed at home. I corresponded with my sister on the Internet; she helped me to look for her grave. Then I failed. I remember exactly that I was standing near an abandoned grave, the earth split into two parts, and I fell into the abyss. It seemed to me that I had fallen into hell, but it must be hot in hell, and I ended up in an ice cave. From my heat, there were vapors until I began to be covered with an icy crust. I decided I was dead. Grandma’s spirit took me away. She must have been offended that I did not find her grave. I got up and went to look for a way out. I walked through the snow tunnel as if through a maze that did not end. My legs gave way and I fell.
IВ woke up inВ aВ clearing covered with moss. IВ told my friend about the fire, and everything that happened inВ the clearing, and how IВ saw the woman. Then IВ fell and woke up inВ the same place byВ an abandoned unmarked grave. Deciding that IВ was freezing, IВ began toВ look for aВ way out. The weather for this time ofВ year was quite calm, windless, and the minus was not big. Seeing the exit, IВ purposefully headed towards it, deciding toВ go toВ the grave tomorrow. Suddenly aВ blizzard came and caught me. This time IВ found myself inВ an ice palace. The palace was huge, and everything inВ it was made ofВ ice. The first thing that caught my eye was the little men who were running around the campfire. Moreover, even these little men were covered with ice. InВ addition, even an old woman with aВ sagging chest stood like an ice statue, holding some shamanic objects inВ her hands. IВ decided IВ was just crazy. Mrs. Snowstorm threw her icy gaze at me. Then it turned into aВ pile ofВ snowflakes, and IВ found myself again inВ aВ clearing covered with moss. IВ stood byВ the oak tree, holding on toВ it tightly with my hands, hoping that the blizzard would not be able toВ carry me away. She was not here, there was no one? IВ began toВ look around, IВ was shaking with fear, not knowing where IВ was, and IВ tried toВ find my way home, and went through the bushes. This incomprehensible area reminded me ofВ the ancient wilds, something like from aВ fairy tale about the Lukomorye. These strange plants, labyrinths, moss, elves and all that. My friend was listening toВ me, and IВ did not know if he believed me orВ not.
– «It’s all like a fairy tale, of course,» he said in a quite serious voice, but I believe you. We got up and went out to smoke. On my return, my friend asked me to continue the story. The lights went out in the hospital a long time ago, and we were lying in our beds.
IВ was mentally transported toВ the place where IВ got lost, looking for aВ way out ofВ the clearing. Then, when IВ managed toВ get out ofВ the bushes, IВ began toВ look around, and realized that IВ was lost. Not knowing what toВ do, IВ wanted toВ call my friends, but toВ my surprise, IВ did not have aВ phone or documents. IВ remembered perfectly well that all these things were always with me, IВ left the house with them. IВ corresponded with my sister. IВ panicked and went wherever IВ could. IВ was walking along the path, and IВ found myself inВ aВ green tunnel ofВ moss, it was aВ maze. It was dark inВ this realm. it is an underground realm! Walking byВ touch, my legs did not obey me and were giving way all the time. Leaning against the moss wall, IВ closed my eyes and fell asleep. IВ woke up already at the cemetery late inВ the evening; my friends met me toВ my joy. IВ was so glad toВ see them, even though IВ could not tell them anything. IВ just said IВ was lost, even though they already knewВ it.
After sitting with friends for a while, I went to my room, or rather my friend’s room. It was his late grandmother’s apartment, and the furniture was inherited. I was lying in bed and thinking about what had happened. I was very much frozen, and I could not understand why I was shaking, from the cold or from the fear, I had experienced. Friends did not understand anything. They thought I was just scared of walking around the cemetery, especially late at night. I wanted to sleep very much, and I was afraid to close my eyes, fear pierced my soul. There was a strong wind outside the window, it was howling, and that made it even scarier. A street lamp was shining through the window, and I was looking at the shadow of snowflakes on the wall. Old creaky furniture and a relic of the day created the interior of Count Dracula’s castle. I smiled to myself, wished my sister good night, as always forgetting about the time zone, and closed my eyes.
As soon as IВ closed my eyes and relaxed for aВ moment, aВ shadow immediately ran along the wall. IВ shuddered involuntarily. My heart started pounding. IВ opened my eyes and looked with fear at the wall, which was illuminated byВ aВ street lamp. IВ already knew that anything could happen and involuntarily tensed up. The figure ofВ aВ beautiful woman flashed across the wall, and disappeared. Now IВ knew IВ was not alone inВ this room. IВ could not call for help for fear that IВ would be considered crazy. Nervous overexertion gave me aВ headache and IВ got ready for further actions, at this time my room was slowly covered with ice. All the walls, floor, ceiling were covered, aВ beautiful pattern appeared on the window, and the front door was frozen solid. My room became like an ice cave, and despite this, IВ did not feel cold, IВ did not feel anything but panic fear. My sofa, on which IВ was just trying toВ fall asleep, turned into an ice bench. IВ prepared myself for my fate. What will happen next, and what does this woman want from me? Who isВ she?
AВ whirlwind ofВ large snowflakes formed inВ the room, they circled, and turned into aВ strict old woman, this is not the old woman who humanized byВ the fire, it was completely different. She darted her gaze at me, and IВ recognized inВ that gaze that formidable beautiful woman who was chasing me. For aВ moment, my fear disappeared, and IВ stopped being afraid. IВ wanted toВ ask who she was, but IВ was waiting for the first, her further actions. She walked past me tapping her staff on the icy floor and flew out the window inВ the form ofВ aВ blizzard. My room has regained its former appearance. Everything became the same as it was. InВ addition, as if nothing had happened.
IВ was sitting on the sofa with my legs pressed toВ my chest, IВ wanted toВ smoke madly, but IВ did not want toВ show myself toВ my friends. IВ leaned back on the sofa, closed my eyes and relaxed for aВ minute, forgetting about what had happened. These supernatural phenomena drew me in, and IВ became interested inВ them. IВ waited for further developments. The fear still did not leave me, but IВ got up from the sofa and went out toВ my friends toВ smoke.
IВ plucked up the courage and decided toВ tell my sister everything. After looking at the time, IВ decided not toВ postpone everything until the morning. ToВ my surprise, my sister immediately answered me. She calmed me down inВ every possible way and asked me toВ tell about each new incident. Her explanation for my stories was that IВ violated the chambers ofВ aВ strict dark Goddess. She asked me toВ remember every wrong word, every gesture, and all my conversations. She also asked not toВ go alone toВ the cemetery, as well as toВ drink as little as possible and return as soon as possible.
My friend listened toВ me with interest, asked me toВ continue, but IВ was tired. IВ had aВ terrible headache, IВ wanted toВ sleep, and IВ fell asleep. InВ the morning, the nurse treated my burns received from the cold, and after breakfast, my neighbor asked me toВ continue the story. It was difficult for me toВ remember everything that happened, there were gaps inВ my memory, and IВ remembered inВ parts. Mentally returning toВ the places where IВ happened toВ visit.
– Vova, tell me, are you really interested in this story?
– You are kidding! You happened to see the Goddess of the Slavic Pantheon! I myself am a little fond of this topic. Now, after meeting you. I am already starting to really believe it.
– «I don’t believe it myself. I did not believe it until now. Now, just like you, I am starting. My sister is obsessed with it. She helped me get out of the underworld. He says I have been in Mara’s arms! My friend smiled back with his ironic smile.
– And what were the consequences?
– Next. In the morning, after drinking coffee with friends, we decided to go to my grandmother’s grave together. My friends decided to accompany me so that I would not get lost in the cold like last time. We walked along the road and laughed loudly at the stories that my grandmother told me as a child. When I reached the place, I stood by the grave remembering my childhood. My days spent with my grandmother, and those funny stories that she told my sister and me. My friends stood aside and waited for me. I looked around, looking for the abandoned grave near which I got lost. I could not find her, and I had to leave with nothing. Although my goal seemed to have been achieved, but I did not get what I wanted. It is time to fly away. However, I did not want to. I could not explain the reason to my friends, only my sister knew it. She insisted on my departure. The ticket was purchased, departure the next day. I only had one night left, and I did not want to lose it. Mysticism pulled me in, and I wanted to find out who this woman was.
– It was our last dinner. We had a good time with friends, and after saying good night, I went to the room reserved for me. I closed the door behind me and sighed heavily. To my surprise, I was looking forward to her appearance. I sat down on the edge of the sofa and waited. It was a dark polar night outside the window. It was November outside. I looked at the light from the lantern and admired the beauty of the snowflakes that swirled in this light. I knew that this woman could appear anywhere and from anywhere. Therefore, without wasting time in vain, I checked all my things collected for tomorrow, got ready for bed and went to bed.
– I closed my eyes and began to recall all the events that had happened to me over the past three days. I did as my sister told me; I remembered everything from the moment of arrival until tonight. My goal was my grandmother’s grave. My grandmother was a pagan. When my sister and I were little, she read us fairy tales, and told us entertaining stories, legends about the gods. I never believed in it, and I did not really listen. Our parents were against these legends. However, my sister loved these stories, and believed with her grandmother in these gods. We grew up, my sister continues to believe in these myths, but I do not. Sometimes we have controversial questions about this.
– What city are you from?
– We were born here in Norilsk, then moved to live in Voronezh, and my grandmother stayed in this city. This is her hometown. My childhood was spent in the city of Norilsk.
– I remember one of the legends about the gods, my grandmother told my sister and me about Mara Maren. How could I have known then that I would meet her? – She will turn the whole fur coat inside out for you. Grandma was talking. – Everything inside. This is the woman of the kingdom of Navi. Her possessions lie beyond the black river, across which the Kalinov Bridge is spanned, guarded by a three-headed Serpent. The Great Lady Madder loves to rest in her icy Palaces in the far north of the Earth. Her reign time is winter. When all nature is asleep. Madder does not like when her peace is disturbed. When the awakening comes, and the Earth begins to revive after hibernation, the reign of Madder ends. Moreover, she goes to her chambers. I was silent for a minute and noticed how my neighbor was listening to me attentively.
– And then, what happened then?
– Later. Remembering everything from the beginning. We were going to fly with my sister, but we did not find anyone to take care of the children. She brings them up alone, and I help her. We decided that I would fly alone, and on the day of departure she saw me off, protected me like a mother. My sister is older than I am and has always taken care of me. It was not for nothing that she asked me to remember everything I said, what I laughed at. Because before the flight we remembered grandmother’s fairy tales, had a good evening with her children. When I arrived here, my friends and I were laughing at the same fairy tales; perhaps this was the reason for my adventures. We laughed at them even when we went to the cemetery. Then I dreamed of seeing the image of this woman again. I have been looking forward to this moment. At that time, I could not even think that this was the goddess of the Slavic Pantheon. At first, I thought it was hallucinations from the cold, or from excess alcohol. Then I decided that it was the grandmother’s spirit that took me away or I would go crazy. I did not know who to tell all this to, and it was only after talking with my sister that I realized that I was entering another world, another dimension. In addition, I do not even get there, but they take me away and bring me back. However, why? I myself became interested, and I began to wait for our meeting with her. Our conversation was interrupted by a doctor’s visit. Then we went to lunch, after lunch we lay down on the bed, and I continued my story.
– When I went to bed, I was full of hopes that she would come again, or rather fly in the form of snowflakes. However, my hopes were not fulfilled. In addition, I fell into a deep, deep sleep. In my dream, I dreamed of a clearing, bats dancing by the fire, I wanted to approach them, and I took a decisive step towards them. There was dampness underfoot; the air was heavy because of the large amount of moss. I was able to see these trolls; they looked like little devils with bat wings. These creatures had no heels, and their pointed ears gave a funny look. These creatures were clearly having fun, their squeaking sounded disgusting, the fire was not burning with a natural flame; something had obviously been thrown into it. The appearance of a nasty old woman did not spoil the fun, but rather intensified it. The old woman began to prepare some kind of drink on the fire. She uttered incomprehensible words, poured some mixtures into the pot. The liquid in the pot bubbled, and gave off an unpleasant smell to the whole neighborhood. Along with this smell, the fog began to come. At first, it was a thin puff of smoke, and then the fog began to thicken and turned into thick dark smoke. Because of this smoke, nothing was visible. Taking advantage of this moment, I came closer. Hoping that no one sees me, I stood in front of the fire, trying to look into the pot. The liquid in it looked like red wine. The old woman looked at me and did not say a word. The ritual was over, the fog continued to advance. The little men ran screaming somewhere, and I followed them at a brisk pace, not seeing where I was going. I walked, not knowing what I was stepping on, there was dampness under my feet, and branches of bushes fell into my face. The only thing I looked at was the little infuriates, it seemed to me they knew where to go.
The fog began toВ clear, and IВ began toВ look around. It was no longer aВ clearing covered with moss, but more like an autumn abandoned forest. All the trees and shrubs were leafless. The sky was not visible, it was not there as such, and there was aВ black haze. It was aВ cold autumn, and the air was wet and cold. AВ cold shiver ran through my body, and IВ began toВ shake from the cold. Wet, yellowed leaves rustled underfoot.
I noticed that one of the devils had strayed from his own and stuck in the bush. I decided to help him get out, and squatted down for this. The imp was scared of me, and I felt funny. Barely suppressing a smile, I picked it up, and it turned out to be not so nasty. I continued to shake from the cold, and I held him with trembling hands. The imp tried to escape; I squeezed him even harder and asked: – where am I?
– On the threshold of the Navi world. The imp squeaked in a childish voice.
– Where is everyone going?
– You need to get across the Kalinov Bridge faster. The holiday is coming soon.
– Which one?
– At Mara Madder’s ball. She is coming into her own soon. She holds a celebration in her honor every year. Nevertheless, she has a limited number of guests. If you are not invited, then it is better not to show yourself in her eyes. Run away from here. She will punish you.
The more IВ was removed from her, the closer IВ wanted toВ be toВ her.
– How do I get to the party? In addition, I squeezed him even harder. This creature was smaller than my palm. He began to beep loudly and attract attention. I let him go and he flew away. All I had to do was not noticeably follow everyone.
The souls ofВ the dead began toВ join our small company. They were ghosts with light transparent eyes. They flew after the devils, IВ realized that they were meeting guests and escorting them toВ the place. IВ began not toВ have time toВ follow these evil spirits, and strengthened my step. Souls continued toВ fly up and join, but there were not many ofВ them yet. IВ remembered the words that the bat had squeaked toВ me that the number ofВ guests was limited.
The flying company made an abrupt stop, and IВ took aВ breath. Looking around, we found ourselves on the edge ofВ the forest; there was aВ large stump inВ the middle. An old woman stood next toВ him and poured out the same red drink that was brewed inВ another clearing. The drink was poured into the skulls, surprisingly it was hot, and everyone who received it stood inВ aВ circle. At first, the ghosts got up, as IВ understood byВ seniority, they stood inВ aВ circle holding the skulls. Then the bats, they rather protected the guests. Thus, aВ double circle was formed around this stump. IВ really wanted toВ drink this drink. IВ was shaking from the cold, despite walking fast. IВ felt weakness inВ my body, IВ felt my strength leaving me, and IВ fell into unconsciousness. The sight ofВ this old woman was so terrible, IВ was afraid toВ approach her. My mouth was dry and all IВ wanted was aВ sip ofВ water.
The inhabitants ofВ the clearing continued their journey, first the besyat, followed byВ the dead souls. There were more than aВ hundred ofВ them. The old woman was the last toВ set off. All the guests and their escorts took the skulls with them. The old woman left her medicine here, and IВ was waiting for her toВ leave. As soon as she left, IВ ran up toВ the stump. There was aВ surprisingly hot drink left inВ the pot. Despite the terrible smell, IВ took aВ big sip. Immediately after drinking, IВ felt strong, and the cold left me. All IВ needed was toВ catch up with my own. IВ already considered them my own, despite the fact that IВ am aВ living person; IВ was inВ the other world. IВ completely forgot that at any moment, IВ could return toВ the world ofВ the living, and toВ my surprise, IВ did not want toВ do that at all. These devils became my friends, even though they did not know about it. If IВ had told anyone at work about this, IВ would have been immediately sent toВ aВ mental hospital. IВ did not think about it, the only thing IВ thought about was how toВ get toВ the holiday.
IВ did not notice how IВ ran toВ the right place at the right time. IВ did not feel any pain or fatigue, IВ did not want toВ sleep or eat. For aВ minute, IВ thought IВ was aВ ghost too. The number ofВ guests increased, and the speed ofВ the hike decreased. The most real magic rose before my eyes. The dead trees that had shed their leaves and prepared for winter came toВ life and bowed their gnarled branches inВ front ofВ the guests. Snakes and lizards crawled under their feet, bowing their heads before the flying souls ofВ the dead. The foliage that had fallen under his feet was fluttering, although there was no wind here initially. We slowly continued toВ walk; IВ still tried not toВ be noticed, although it is hardly possible if inВ this otherworldly world the dead nature comes toВ life.
The procession is over. We stopped at the riverbank. A bridge was thrown across the river. The river, as well as the bridge, were of large size. Looking around, I saw around me many living, or rather dead creatures. These are the souls of people, also animals, birds, trees. Everyone froze and stood motionless. I was afraid to move, but I tried to see what was happening on the other side. I remembered my sister’s words about Mara Marena, as well as my late grandmother, who spoke about the Kalinov Bridge, the Currant River. – Madder’s possessions lie beyond the black Currant River, separating Reality and Nav. The Kalinov Bridge is spanned across this river, which is guarded by a Three-Headed Snake.
IВ remembered these words, and began toВ understand where IВ am. The guests separated. On my right hand stood the dead souls who accompanied the devils. All the evil spirits are on my left. These are all the same devils, goblins, kikimores, mermaids, trolls, as well as the dark spirits ofВ the Slavic pantheon. IВ hid behind aВ tree, hoping that no one could see me. No one paid attention toВ me, everyone was looking at the bridge. IВ looked back and saw aВ huge number ofВ ghosts. For some reason, no one accompanied these souls, and they stayed away. There were few animals; IВ could not understand what they were doing here. IВ also noticed the Kalinov Bridge. The crowd ofВ people became animated and began toВ slowly move forward. The procession was led byВ souls accompanied byВ evil spirits. It was very slow. IВ did not know who toВ go with or how toВ get there. IВ decided toВ go the very last, IВ wanted toВ see this ceremony, how and what would happen. IВ completely forgot about the fear, and about the fact that IВ am not an invited guest here.
IВ climbed aВ tree and watched what was happening. The crowd slowly moved forward. The deceased souls formed pairs with the same devils, aВ large column was formed, and they held aВ skull inВ their hands. The view from above was terrifying. The fog began toВ come again, and because ofВ it it became worse toВ see. IВ saw everything. As the souls walked across the bridge, aВ three-headed Serpent met them at the other end ofВ the bridge, and they disappeared somewhere, but IВ could not see where. The column gradually advanced, and it became smaller. IВ started toВ feel cold, and IВ got chills.
When the last souls had passed and the bridge was empty, aВ strange man came out on the bridge and descended toВ this shore. He looked like aВ hermit, his image fully corresponded toВ aВ human, and at the same time, he was somewhat similar toВ aВ goblin. Having examined his image closer, IВ saw inВ this man aВ noble elder. IВ wonder who he is. InВ addition, what is he doing inВ this place?
– This is the god Veles. I shuddered. One of the ghosts was talking to me. They could move through the air, but I did not know they could talk. These ghosts were asexual, they looked like transparent cellophane bags, and they had no legs, hair, shapes. Judging by the voice, a man was talking to me. The ghost approached me, and stayed close.
When Velez came closer, the trolls parted, and the animals bowed their heads. Velez said something toВ them inВ an incomprehensible language and the animals went back. Then Velez slowly left. InВ addition, behind him, the trolls began toВ march.
– This is the guardian god of the forest. He is also the master of the kingdom of Navi, along with Mara Marena, Chernobog and Koshchei, the husband of Mara Marena. This is their underground world. Veles thanked the dead animals for helping him protect the forest and its inhabitants. The animals returned to the world of Reality, only anew. If you want to go to Mara’s ball, then you need to go with the trolls. After they pass, the road will be closed. She will not let anyone else in.
– How do you know?
– We come here every year to honor the great goddess, but alas, we are not allowed access. All these souls once angered her very much, and she does not invite us to her holiday. All souls of former sorcerers, magicians and sorcerers who, when they tried to establish contact with her, were very angry. She also does not like lazy people, and those who once did not keep their promise. She severely punishes these people.
– And who are the souls who left accompanied?
– These are the guests of honor. These ones were able to establish contact with her. These souls were very lucky. She always patronized them. My chills were getting worse, and it was getting harder for me. If you once had a problem with her, then it is better to appease her, otherwise you will not be able to. The ghost fell silent and looked at me with kind sad eyes.
– Why did you come up to me?
– I can see right through you. I am a former magician. I also know another secret, but I do not know whether to tell it to you or not.
– If you have started, then tell me.
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