ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 18
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
So, our brain constantly and intricately weaves neural connections (our thoughts) into so-called «solitons», nodes of beliefs. These are, conventionally, sturdy structures with nerve impulses, electricity, running through them. These neural connections must «feed» themselves with energy to remain viable. The system must be strong and closed so that it can’t be destroyed. And it will demand our attention so that we feed it with our energy.
Soliton, or a system of neural connections, is one of our beliefs; faith in something. It’s a certain pattern that we stick to.
Imagine the ceaseless movement of electricity inside these connections. The more we convince ourselves of something, the stronger our neural connections become. Soliton can’t let anything destroy itself, and always pitches some thoughts to believe in. Our thinking makes these connections more stable and indestructible. Our attention and faith keep the soliton alive more than ever.
If our faith begins toВ weaken, we stop giving impetus and vital energy toВ that thinking pattern. This section ofВ soliton starts toВ fight back toВ protect itself from being destroyed. And it starts pitching thoughts again toВ grab our attention and make us stick toВ our old strong beliefs, strengthening its connection. This is mirrored inВ real life: we start toВ generate actions and pay attention toВ what strengthens our old beliefs.
Our brain consists ofВ neural connections. Its work is manifested byВ extensive neuronal sprouting. Each second, 400В billion neurons sprout В«branchesВ». Each В«branchВ» is aВ thought, and each ofВ them gives energy, producing an electromagnetic wave. It literally builds В«the imagesВ» ofВ the reality around us with photons (particles ofВ light). ToВ put it another way, it builds our world. Everything that we witness around us, this whole world, is aВ projection ofВ our mind.
It may be hard to believe. This is all taken from quantum mechanics and is scientifically based. Scientists, including A. Einstein, D. Bell, E. Schrödinger, W. Pauli, and many others, verified it. And I don’t even doubt it, as I’m a fan of quantum mechanics.
The main idea is that aВ thought generates aВ feeling that is turned into an image byВ the brain. The brain makes aВ decision, and the external reality confirmsВ it.
Solitons, the strong neural connections ofВ the formed beliefs, keep themselves alive byВ pitching thoughts and generating the images ofВ the world around us. We pay attention toВ these images and confirm them as our reality, thereby giving vital energy toВ aВ soliton.
When we come across new information that clashes with our beliefs, we start resisting and boiling with anger. It causes adrenaline to spike, the heart rate to increase, and the blood pressure to rise. These strong neural connections start a war with us so that in no way we destroy our belief. On a neural level, they react as if we’re being threatened. When I take a cigarette as an example, it will become more or less clear.
I bet you’re very resistant to this information now. «What? Brain? Creates? World around us? Come on. Not possible!»
At this point, the parts of your brain that are convinced of the opposite begin attacking and «building» reality in order to persuade us not to destroy our existing belief and to reaffirm our old truth. That’s why we always deny something new, changes in general.
We will hold on to our truth till the end, even realizing that it’s completely illogical and not satisfying anymore. I don’t like this truth, but I’m convinced. But remember that it’s the brain, and these are your thinking patterns. The ideas that have been formed by strong neural connections are rebelling. To destroy them, you will have to fight yourself, but it’s a faulty way. What’s more, it often doesn’t work since you will have to go through a lot of stress, which will be difficult to cope with. After all, the war with yourself always leads to an endless war that can end with nothing.
But there is aВ way out: we can gently restructure our thinking patterns and beliefs into new connections. And remember, whatever thinking pattern you have; it projects aВ picture ofВ the world confirming that belief. The more we are convinced ofВ something, the stronger these connections become.
This principle lies at the heart ofВ all my courses, whether they are about finance, work, health, fulfilling desires, or solving life issues. Everything we see around us is aВ projection ofВ our thoughts. The projection ofВ reality correlates with our beliefs and confirms them, so we make our brain stronger and it can function.
Any truth is self-confirming. You have probably heard it many times: «You get what you believe in.» We see the world in a certain way, react to it, and convince ourselves of the truth we see. This is exactly what a soliton needs – to supply itself with energy to stay alive. The connections become stronger and more stable. Soliton keeps adding thoughts and generating images so that we strengthen our belief. Our attention is the fabric of life. Hence, we perceive the world around us according to our beliefs and the truth in our heads.
Since I don’t tend to write in a linear fashion, I might have completely confused and tired you out. The way I say things sometimes resembles «alien language». Nevertheless, I tried to make it clear. I hope it resonates. I would be very glad if you come to realize this someday. But you need this chapter to connect the dots and have a deeper understanding of your smoking-related beliefs. Let’s talk about them now.
Quit Without Quitting
It’s no joke. Quitting smoking is fraught with the danger of not being able to quit. Moreover, smoking is just a consequence. And the more you try to quit smoking, the fewer chances you have of becoming a non-smoker. Why? Because when you start to light a cigarette again, you lose your faith in giving it up for good.
Numerous attempts to quit ended in a relapse. You started smoking again. That made neural connections become solid as a rock, and now they won’t let you destroy them that easily. You’ve lost hope of ever quitting.
Even if you start to repeat it like a mantra now: «it’s possible, it’s possible,» even if you say it a thousand times, it will not work. You’ve formed a solid belief based on your knowledge and experience, that is always reinforced by reality. Convincing yourself by repeating words is not effective, because the connections in your brain won’t allow you to destroy them. They will fight back till the end.
Think about it. Every time you slip, you assure yourself that it’s impossible to quit. And your belief will just keep getting more ingrained. Or you believe it’s difficult and this also becomes a thinking pattern.
You probably think that you like smoking, that smoking relieves stress and that it helps you enjoy life. When you smoke, you have aВ broad smile on your face, and enjoy the moment. Yeah, you have aВ lot ofВ these beliefs. InВ that case, your brain will project relevant reality inВ order toВ strengthen and confirm them as ultimate truth.
Remember one paramount thing:
It’s not reality that convinces us of the something, when you «saw and believed», no. First, we «decide» to believe. Only then does the brain build up confirmation in the real world so that we witness it and our thoughts «grow stronger». It’s one of the scientifically proven functions of the human brain.
And now you have the opportunity to learn how it works, how beliefs are formed. You’re capable of changing your way of thinking. No rush, no struggle. Once you change your attitude towards smoking, your brain will create a new reality where you’re a happy non-smoker.
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