Aleksander Kochetkov "The Dyatlov Pass. The Hike of the Doomed through the Forbidden Areas. Book 1. The conclusions of Kochetkov"

The famous researcher Aleksander Kochetkov for the first time publishes his conclusions regarding the events associated with the group of Igor Dyatlov.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005642554

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 16

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

Yura Yudin himself does not explain how he got from the 2

Severnyi village toВ the 41

Kvartal, moreover, from the village ofВ geologists he immediately appears inВ the city ofВ Ivdel, missing inВ his narration the two settlements at aВ time, i.e. the 41

Kvartal and the Vizhai village, as if he wanted to conceal this important information from the investigation. And this fact alone already raises suspicion of Yura Yudin’s desire to cooperate fully with the prosecutor’s office. And accordingly, the researchers of the past had to solve this difficult issue themselves, relying on the meager information, available both in the criminal case files and in the diaries of the hike participants.

The diary ofВ Zina Kolmogorova, January 28,В 1959

В«Uncle Slava is leaving today with his horse, and Yura Yudin is leaving too. He took aВ few core samples. IВ saw this type ofВ ore for the first time after drilling.В»

Coming from the diary ofВ Zina Kolmogorova, indeed, Yura Yudin left the hikers on January 28, 1959, and allegedly went on ski after Uncle Slava. And, as if inВ confirmation ofВ this fact, there is reliable information, which was shared byВ Uncle Slava himself.

The Protocol ofВ interrogation ofВ the witness Stanislav Aleksandrovich Valyukyavichus, March 7, 1959.

В«IВ spent the night inВ the hut with the hikers, had breakfast together with them the next morning. One ofВ the hikers put aВ drilling core sample inВ the backpack and asked me toВ take it toВ the 41

Kvartal. At the same time, he said that IВ should head back slowly, and he would catch up with me, since he could not go on aВ hike further due toВ illness, his leg ached.В»

AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 53

So far, it all fits and there is no doubt that Yura Yudin really went on skis after Uncle Slava, especially since he had no other choice. As you know, from the diaries ofВ the hikers, the 2

Severnyi village was abandoned back inВ 1953, accordingly, no one cleared the road toВ an uninhabited village, since it made no sense.

The copy ofВ the Dyatlov group diary, January 27,В 1959

В«The 2

Severnyi village is an abandoned geological site, comprising 20—25 houses. Only one of them is suitable for living. Late at night, in complete darkness we found the village and house, and only guessed through the ice-hole where the hut was.»

AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 25

And, as if in confirmation of this fact, there is reliable information, which Uncle Slava shares with the prosecutor’s office. Everything seems to be coherent, if not a slight problem, which previously the researchers of the past did not pay due attention to, and how wrong they were! It was namely this slight problem, that should have raised a doubt among the researchers if Yura Yudin really went along the Lozva river after Stanislav Valyukyavichus.

The Protocol ofВ interrogation ofВ the witness Stanislav Aleksandrovich Valyukyavichus, March 7,В 1959

«I left the village about 10 o’clock in the morning, the hikers stayed behind. I arrived at the 41

Kvartal about 15 o’clock in the afternoon and after a while one hiker came, who collected the rock.»

AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 53

Indeed, coming from the Protocol ofВ interrogation ofВ Uncle Slava, Yura Yudin came and took the core sample. It seems that all checks out, which means that one has no reasons toВ doubt the correctness ofВ the investigation conclusions. However, some understatement remains, which should be excluded inВ such aВ confusing matter. Firstly, why did Yura Yudin conceal under the interrogation that his leg ached inВ the 41

Kvartal, and secondly, why did he not tell how he got toВ the village ofВ lumberjacks?

The copy ofВ the Dyatlov group diary, January 27,В 1959

«It took a long time to pack off: we waxed the skis, adjusted the bindings. Yurka Yudin is leaving home today. It’s a pity, of course, to part with him, especially for me and Zina, but nothing can be done about it.»

AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 26

It turns out, that despite the fact that the village of geologists was abandoned, Yura Yudin could leave, respectively, by car. But what about the words of Uncle Slava, that after a while one tourist came. Exactly, he came, but from where it was not known, since Vyacheslav Vylyukyavichus did not give the exact information where Yura Yudin came from. He could come both from the direction of the Lozva river and from the lumberjacks’ hut, where he had his things.

The diary ofВ Zina Kolmogorova, January 27,В 1959

В«Yes, Yura Yudin is leaving us today. His sciatic nerves inflamed again and he is leaving. Such aВ pity. We distributed his load inВ our backpacks.В»

It turns out, that as early as on January 27, the hikers distributed the load toВ their backpacks, leaving for Yudin only his things. Accordingly, he did not need toВ carry his backpack toВ the 2

Severnyi village and he left it in the lumberjacks’ hut. That was why the hikers were not worried that the lame friend might not reach the 41

Kvartal, since he left byВ car. But aВ fair question arises: В«Whence did the road, suitable for cars inВ winter appear, since the village was uninhabited, which meant that no one had cleaned it ofВ snow?В» Indeed, no one would clean the road toВ an uninhabited village, everyone knows that. But there is one fact, which the researchers ofВ the past have forgotten. The road toВ an abandoned village would also be cleaned if it were located on the way toВ another village, i.e. behind the 2

Severnyi village there was another settlement, which, at that time, was an operating mine.

Chapter 3. The SevernyiВ mine

When IВ studied the Protocols ofВ interrogation, IВ was unspeakably surprised byВ the fact, that the Head ofВ the 8

Camp Department, Khakimov, provided aВ car for the hikers, going not toВ the 2

Severnyi village, but toВ the Severnyi mine, i.e. somewhere behind the village ofВ geologists another settlement was located, whereto the cars regularly drove.

The Protocol ofВ interrogation ofВ the witness Valeriy Mikhailovich Ufimtsev, April 13,В 1959

В«On February 16В comrade Blinov telephoned the Committee and asked whether there were any news ofВ the group, and immediately aВ phone call toВ the Vizhai village was ordered and talks were held with the Camp Department officer, Khakimov, who said that they gave the Dyatlov group aВ ride toВ the Severnyi mine on DecemberВ 27.В»

AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 269

And immediately a fair question arises: «Why January 27 and not January 26?» Indeed, based on the diaries of Igor Dyatlov’s group, the hikers left the Vizhai village on January 26, 1959, i.e. a day earlier than Khakimov claimed. Really, comrade Khakimov, confused the dates and indicated the wrong day, and Ufimtsev, instead of the 2

Severnyi village, by mistake, informed the prosecutor’s office of the Severnyi mine, which, perhaps, did not exist at all. But, nevertheless, if there is such an information, then it must have been verified. As the saying goes: «Trust but verify».

The diary ofВ Lyuda Dubinina, January 26,В 1959

В«We go byВ car. We tried toВ sing, talked on abstract topics and inВ general nobody was warm. The surroundings were uninteresting at the beginning, aВ scorched forest. InВ general, we had toВ go toВ the 2

Severnyi village, but it was getting dark, and we decided toВ stop at the 41

Kvartal at 16:30В p.m.В»

It turns out that the hikers left too late and, therefore, they had toВ stay inВ the 41

Kvartal. But why did comrade Khakimov, instead ofВ sending the car inВ the morning, taking into account aВ long distance, provide it much later? Why did the driver have toВ spend the night inВ the village, which belonged toВ another Department, i.e. toВ the Ivdel Energolesokombinat (Power Engineering Forest Integrated Plant), rather that the Ivdellag.

The diary ofВ Yura Blinov

В«We got toВ Ivdel inВ 3В hours. They were already waiting for us there. It was decided toВ immediately go toВ search. Four persons flew: aВ commander, aВ navigator, an engineer (procured aВ car for Dyatlov toВ take them from the Vizhai village toВ the 41

Kvartal, and then they drove the backpacks toВ the 2

Severnyi village on aВ horse cart) and alsoВ me.В»

It turns out that aВ certain engineer В«procured aВ car for DyatlovВ», i.e. he negotiated with Khakimov that he would provide aВ car for the hikers. And this is aВ very important piece ofВ information, which could clarify the question ofВ interest toВ us: В«What was the reason that they left the Vizhai village so late?В» And my searches have led toВ the desired result, IВ have managed toВ find this unknown engineer inВ the criminal case files.

The Protocol ofВ interrogation ofВ the witness Mikhail Timofeyevich Dryakhlykh, March 5,В 1959

«On February 21, I was summoned to the CPSU City Committee by comrade I.S. Prodanov and told that a group of hikers is missing and it was necessary to search for them. On February 21, 1959, I, a student of the Polytechnic Institute (I do not know his name), the aircraft commander Spitsyn, and a navigator flew off on a „Yak“ airplane in the direction of the Vizhai village.»

AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 41

Yura Blinov was just that student, whose last name Dyakhlykh did not remember. And Deyakhlykh himself was just that engineer, who «procured a car for Dyatlov.» After I have found the engineer, it remained for me to clarify one important fact. To what extent were Dryakhlykh’s words about the car true?

The telegram ofВ Rustem Slobodin, February 26,В 1959

В«Greetings toВ the native Sverdlovsk residents! Yesterday we safely reached the Vizhai village. Now we are driving toВ the starting point, the 2

Severnyi village byВ aВ special car.В»

The telegram contains aВ very interesting information, which has not been paid due attention toВ before. It turned out that the hikers were not driving inВ an ordinary car, but В«inВ aВ special car.В» But looking at the broken car body, aВ fair question arises: В«How was it different from other cars ofВ those years toВ be called aВ special car?В» And the answer toВ this important question was given byВ Yura Yudin.

The diary ofВ Yura Yudin, January 26,В 1959

В«InВ the truck inВ which we came,3В movies were brought: В«My ApprenticeshipВ» byВ Gorki, В«There is such aВ guyВ» and В«Symphony inВ goldВ».

Now everything fell into aВ groove. Indeed, the car was ordinary, but due toВ the fact that it belonged toВ aВ cinema operator, it was called aВ special car, since it carried the equipment for the demonstration ofВ feature films toВ the personnel ofВ the 8

Camp Department. Accordingly, the engineer Dryakhlykh, negotiated on the issue ofВ aВ car not for the students, but for the needs ofВ the Energolesokombinat, i.e. on the eve ofВ the opening ofВ the 21

Congress ofВ the CPSU, he wanted toВ show the feature films toВ the lumberjacks. And the next day, January 27, the cinema operator with the hikers would have continued on toВ the 2

Severnyi village. That was why, comrade Khakimov said that the Dyatlov group was taken byВ the car toВ the Severnyi village on January 27. But this information did not fully correspond toВ reality, since the car with the movie operator, indeed, continued its movement, but without the hikers. And why this happened, IВ will tell you, but not inВ this chapter, since now we are talking about something completely different, namely ofВ the Severnyi mine.

One fact, moreover, aВ controversial one, cannot be aВ 100% guarantee that aВ certain settlement was actually located behind the 2

Severnyi village. Therefore, we had toВ look for more compelling evidence ofВ the existence ofВ the Severnyi mine. And, strange as it might sound, such information was inВ the criminal case files, rather than somewhere inВ the secret archives.

The Protocol ofВ interrogation ofВ the witness Mikhail Timofeyevich Dryakhlykh, March 5,В 1959

«On February 21, 1959, a student of the Polytechnic Institute, (I do not know his name), the aircraft commander Spitsyn and a navigator flew off on an „Yak“ airplane in the direction of the Vizhai village, thence up the Lozva river through the 41

Kvartal, the 2

Severnyi village, the Severnyi mine toВ the mouth ofВ the Auspiya river, up along the Auspiya river. Then returned back through the 2

Severnyi village and the 41

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