ISBN :Возрастное ограничение : 16
Дата обновления : 14.06.2023
AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 41
2-ой Северный рудник – The 2
Severnyi mine. Северный рудник – The Severnyi mine.
Coming from the Protocol ofВ interrogation ofВ the witness Dryakhlykh, it turns out that the Severnyi mine was located between the 2
Severnyi village and the mouth ofВ the Auspiya river, but away from the Lozva river. The thing was that the plane flew inВ one direction over the road, and back over the Lozva river. That is why inВ one case the Severnyi mine is mentioned, and inВ the other case not. And it remains toВ find out where this unknown settlement was approximately located.
Radiogram No. 26. Received byВ Temnikov. ToВ Sulman
«We are in 6—10 km from the mouth of the Auspiya river. In the village at the mouth of the Auspiya river the tracks of narrow sports skis were found. The ski trail was quite well-trodden, there were many people, 8—10 persons. The tracks are old. Nevolin.»
AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 143
Устье Ауспии – The mouth of the Auspiya river. Санно-оленья тропа – The deer-and-sledge trail. Северный рудник – The Severnyi mine.
Based on the radiogram, the village was located 6—10 km from the mouth of the Auspiya river. And although Nevolin did not indicate the name of the settlement, it was clearly referred to the Severnyi mine, since there were no other settlements in that area. Having compared all available facts, I began to search for the Severnyi mine. And I have found only one place in the maps, which fully corresponded to the available information. This is the height «297 (296.4)». It was located about 7 km from the mouth of the Auspiya river, if you move along the deer-and-sledge trail, which is indicated in the old maps. In addition, based on the modern satellite maps, an abandoned road from the 2
Severnyi village toВ this height was visible.
Chapter 4. В«The hiking route byВ daysВ» ofВ Yevgeniy Maslennikov
After the Severnyi village was found, it was possible toВ start analyzing aВ very important document, which, undoubtedly, was В«The hiking route byВ daysВ», compiled byВ the student ofВ the Ural Polytechnic Institute, Dyatlov Igor Alekseyevich, back inВ December 1958. And there was something toВ disassemble, since the route, presented inВ this document did not correspond toВ reality for aВ number ofВ reasons. And it was the Severnyi mine that put everything inВ its place. However, first things first.
The hiking route byВ days
В«The 4
 – 5
days of the hike. The Vizhai village – the 2
Severnyi village, 55В km;
The 6
day of the hike – — – — – — – — – — – — – — -;
The 7
 – 8
days ofВ the hike. Up the Auspiya river, 38В km;
The 9
day ofВ the hike. AВ pass at the upper reaches ofВ the Lozva river, 14В km;
The 10
day ofВ the hike. The ascent ofВ the Mount Otorten, 20В km;
The 11
day of the hike. The Mount Otorten – the upper reaches of the Auspiya river, 18 km».
AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 202
And toВ make it clear what this chapter is about, IВ will put the dates for each hikeВ day.
The hiking route byВ days.
The 4
 – 5
days of the hike. The Vizhai village – the 2
Severnyi village, 55В km., January 26В andВ 17;
The 6
day of the hike – — – — – — – — – — – — – — – January 28;
The 7
 – 8
days ofВ the hike. Up the Auspiya river, 38В km., January 29В andВ 30;
The 9
day ofВ the hike. AВ pass at the upper reaches ofВ the Lozva river, 14В km., JanuaryВ 31;
The 10
day ofВ the hike. The ascent ofВ the Mount Otorten, 20В km., FebruaryВ 1;
The 11
day of the hike. The Mount Otorten – the upper reaches of the Auspiya river, 18 km., February 2.
There are 3В points inВ В«The hiking route byВ daysВ», which put serious questions toВ Igor Dyatlov, as the author ofВ this document. The first one is why were the dashes inserted for January 28, and was not the mileage indicated, as if the hikers were not intended toВ go along the Lozva river? The second one is why were 38В km up the Auspiya river indicated, and not 30, as inВ reality? The third one is what 14В km the hikers had toВ overcome on January 31, if they had already reached the pass on the JanuaryВ 30.
Маршрут похода по дням – The hiking route by days
But before proceeding toВ the analysis ofВ В«The hiking route byВ daysВ», one has toВ get familiarized with the conclusions ofВ the investigation on this matter.
The decision toВ discontinue the criminal case, May 28,В 1959
В«From the diary entries, croquis ofВ the route and developed photographic films ofВ the hikers it is determined that on May 28, 1959В the group went upstream the Lozva river, on January 30, 1959В the group continued its movement, on January 31, 1959В the hikers reached the Auspiya river and tried toВ go over the pass toВ the Lozva river valley, but due toВ the low temperature and strong wind they had toВ go back down and stayed overnight. On February 01, 1959В the hikers built aВ cache at the upper reaches ofВ the Auspiya river, wherein they left the food supplies and all redundant equipment.
Returning on January 31, 1959В inВ the Auspiya river valley, and knowing ofВ the difficult terrain conditions ofВ the height В«1079В», where the ascent was supposed, Dyatlov, as the leader ofВ the group, made aВ gross mistake, which manifested itself inВ the fact that the group began the ascent on February 1, 1959В only at 15:00В p.m.В»
AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 384
InВ this document, the route, covered byВ the hikers, is not fully described, but, as is known, the investigation conclusions did not appear out ofВ the blue. The prosecutor-criminologist Ivanov took advantage ofВ the conclusions ofВ the Head ofВ the united search and rescue detachments, Yevgeniy Maslennikov, who was aВ master ofВ sports inВ tourism.
The Protocol ofВ interrogation ofВ the witness Yevgeniy Polykarpovich Maslennikov, March 10, 1959.
В«On January 28.01.1959В the group covered about 15В km and stopped for the night on the Lozva river.
The next day, on January 29, the group reached the mouth ofВ the Auspiya river and walked up toВ 3В km upstream.
On January 30, 1959В they walked 17В km, starting at 10.30В a.m.В That was aВ warm overnight stay, whereof all the hike participants ofВ the expedition responded well. The camp site ofВ this night was found byВ the Slobtsov group.
On January 31, the group walked 14В km, and inВ the evening came toВ the Lozva river pass, toВ the place where we later had aВ helipad. The hike participants wrote inВ their diaries that the pass met them with the wind, similar toВ that ofВ the aircraft takeoff. The bad weather and unsuitability ofВ the place toВ spend the night inВ such conditions forced the group toВ return 1000В m down and spend the night inВ the wood, on the left bank ofВ the Auspiya river.
The next day, on February 1, the group built aВ cache and at 15:0В p.m., after lunch, went on their old trail toВ the pass between the heights В«1079В» and В«880В».
AВ criminal case file, sheets 72В andВ 73
The conclusions ofВ Yevgeniy Maslennikov contain one very interesting point. InВ contrast toВ the entries for the other days, which indicate the exact mileage, the entry for January 29В specifies only the distance passed along the Auspiya river. And inВ order toВ understand the reason for such actions ofВ Yevgeniy Maslennikov, one has toВ know the exact distance from the 2
Severnyi village toВ the mouth ofВ the Auspiya river. And the distance is 17В km.
The hiking route byВ days, according toВ Maslennikov:
The 6
day ofВ the hike, January 28, 15В km;
The 7
day ofВ the hike, January 29, 5В km;
The 8
day ofВ the hike, January 30, 17В km;
The 9
day ofВ the hike, January 31, 14В km;
The 10
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