Aleksander Kochetkov "The Dyatlov Pass. The Hike of the Doomed through the Forbidden Areas. Book 1. The conclusions of Kochetkov"

The famous researcher Aleksander Kochetkov for the first time publishes his conclusions regarding the events associated with the group of Igor Dyatlov.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9785005642554

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 16

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

day ofВ the hike, February 1, 2.5В km.

It turns out, that on January 29, the hikers walked only 5 km. Apparently, Maslennikov himself did not believe in that, so he indicated only the way, walked along the Auspiya river, and not the entire distance, which the hikers covered on January 29. But that’s not all. If you carefully study the version of Maslennikov, you can see with an unarmed eye that his conclusions were fitted to «The hiking route by days», compiled by Igor Dyatlov. Namely, on January 31, the hikers allegedly covered 14 km, but was that really so? And in order to understand this important issue, one needs to add up the distance, walked by the hikers along the Auspiya river, coming from the testimony of Yevgeniy Maslennikov.

The Dyatlov group’s route, created by Maslennikov (from the 2

Severnyi village to the tent on the slope of the height «1079»). January 28 – 15 km. January 29 – 5 km. January 30 – 17 km. January 31 -14 km. Лабаз – The cache. Стоянка манси – the Mansi camp site. От 2-го Северного рудника до устья Ауспии – 17 км – From the 2

Severnyi to the mouth of the Auspiya river – 17 km.

January 29 – 3 km, January 30 – 17 km, January 31 – 14 km, February 1 – 2.5 km. If we sum up the entire distance, it turns out that from the mouth of the Auspiya river to the tent on the slope of the height «1079» is 36.5 km. Let’s round this figure to 37.

The Protocol ofВ interrogation ofВ the witness Ivan Vassiliyevich Pashin, March 7,В 1959

В«We found the first camp site ofВ the hikers at aВ distance ofВ about 17В km from the place ofВ their death, and at aВ distance ofВ 20В km from the Lozva river.В»

AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 49

So, the forester Pashin confirms the calculations made byВ Yevgeniy Maslennikov. And he should have known, byВ force ofВ his duty, the exact distance from the Lozva river toВ the tent on the slope ofВ the height В«1079В». And that might be the end ofВ it, if not aВ slight problem. The exact distance from the mouth ofВ the Lozva river toВ the tent on the slope ofВ the height В«1079В» was not 37, but 30В km. And what is most interesting, Maslennikov knew it for sure, as it is evidenced byВ his notebook entry.

The notebook ofВ Yevgeniy Maslennikov

The schedule ofВ movement

В«January 28, the 6

day ofВ the hike. From the 2

Severnyi village toВ the Auspiya river, 31В km;

January 29В and 30, the 7

and 8

days ofВ the hike. Up the Auspiya river, 30В km.

Маршрут похода по дням – The hiking route by days

An interesting story comes out. Based on the notebook entry, on January 29В and 30, the hikers walked up the Auspiya river, 30В km. And under the interrogation it was indicated only 22В km for the same days, ofВ which 2В km along the Lozva river, i.e. 10В km less, which looks very strange. But even more surprising is the distance, walked byВ the hikers on January 28, 31В km inВ general. IВ wonder where this strange information, which turns everything upside down, came from. After all, it is known that from the 2

Severnyi village toВ the Auspiya river is 17В km.

Radiogram No.28.2. Received byВ Temnikov. ToВ Sulman

В«All the documents ofВ the group, except for the croquis and personal notebooks, were taken away byВ the prosecutor, including three copies ofВ the route sheet. Maslennikov.В»

AВ criminal case file, sheetВ 160

It turns out, that Yevgeniy Maslennikov did not invent anything, but used the information, obtained from the croquis, which were found in Igor Dyatlov’s field bag. But why does he say under the interrogation something different from what he writes in his notebook? That is the question.

Chapter 5. В«The hiking route byВ daysВ», compiled byВ Igor Dyatlov

And now it’s time to study out the blind spots in «The hiking route by days», compiled by Igor Dyatlov. Indeed, the hikers were not going to move along the Lozva river. That is why there are dashes in the document for January 28. After the 2

Severnyi village they were heading not inВ the direction ofВ the Auspiya river, but toВ the Severnyi mine, the distance toВ which was aВ bit more than 7В km byВ the road. And accordingly, it constituted 38В km for the 7

and 8

days of the hike. The thing is that it is a bit more than 7 km from the Severnyi mine to the mouth of the Auspiya river, and it is about 30 km from the mouth of the Auspiya river to the pass, which results in just 37—38 km when adding up these distance segments.

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