Рамиль Латыпов "Academy of Miracles – 2. Dwarf Question. It’s time to act"

Claudius is already eighteen. It’s time to think about the future. All his thoughts are only about his servant slave Martha who lives in his father’s castle. Separation tears his soul apart. It’s time to act.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005677433

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 18

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023


So that’s Angelica. Countries are not simply drawn on the map. All countries are the fruit of a long war among themselves. Learn. Better. What is the capital of Golisu Island?

– Achisu. Achim. Ahmi.

– Auchasu. You didn’t listen to me at all. And Tatyana get off my knees, I’m not made of iron. You are a beautiful lady. I can slam. And don’t tell me you don’t mind. Girls shouldn’t talk like that.

Chapter 2В New Challenge

Today I woke up with the feeling that a new phase of my life would begin. Mizael, my neighbor sat in bed and looked at the magazines. Bought in the city for a lot of money. Catalog of the best slaves in the pleasure house «At the affectionate Fairy». With cost per lady per hour. Photos of ladies, of course, moved in different defiant poses. Many were not wearing clothes. I don’t like that. Everything is not real.

– Do you have a fight today? Can you win? I bet on you. I need him so much. He pointed to the magazine in his hand. There, a naked elf waved her hand. She’s definitely over a thousand years old. This can be seen from the folds on the hips. Drawing of a figurine of a beauty. Holo recording on a crystal. His new passion. He became friends with Hector. No wonder he spends a lot of time with him. When he runs away from me if I come to the room with my girls.

– I hope so, I myself have plans for this win.

– A quarter-final. Prize fifty gold. What do you want to buy? It’s a secret.

I left the room. Yellows are not as friendly as whites. But I still found friends. Everyone loves boxing. In the dining room, my girlfriend Tatiana sat down next to me. She immediately began to climb to me with kisses on the cheek. Today I did not object. Didn’t waste energy on it. She liked it so much.

– Today you still accepted my love Cladvius.

– You forgot about me. – Said my second girlfriend Angelica Wairat. She kissed me on the left cheek. What got into her?

– What are you thinking. – Tatyana was furious.

– He is still my boyfriend and I always wanted to do that. You can do it whenever you want. Although you know that he has a beloved Martha Little.

– You’re right. Tatyana said calmly. She saw my angry look and stepped back.

– I don’t have time for your arguments today is an important day for me. If you don’t want to be with me, I don’t mind breaking up. You know my conditions. And everything will be mine.

Yes, Claudius. The girls said inВ unison.

– You build them again, my hero. – The princess came with her lady-in-waiting. The look is cold as always. This is her mask for everyone. But I know how real she is. After all, when I saved her from the cart, I liked her. Some kind of spark passed between us, although I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s a life debt

– No, I’m just repeating my rules to them.

– My hero knows how to manage people. I always like that about you. While my hero. See you in the ring.

She left amid general groans of amazement. I looked at the ladies sitting next to me. They’re so cute. But I have a goal. My love for Martha grows stronger every day. Although attachment to them is growing. They are not bad. Bad thoughts about them came more and more often. The image of Martha was erased from memory. This is bad.

– Come to my room tonight. I’m waiting for you every day.

– I’ve been here once before. Well, at least I managed to leave. – I said, remembering this evening, my cheeks turned red. I won’t be visiting Tatyana again.

– Nothing. I changed clothes and didn’t close the screen a bit. There’s nothing you haven’t seen yet. – She said laughing. She obviously liked what she saw in her as a girl. At last. She really was pretty.

– And what are you holding in your hands dear. Angelica said taking my hand in hers.

– This is my gift from Martha. A fragment of the stone of power that saved me in the battle against evil. Do you want to hold. It used to be white, but has turned black. Martha herself kissed him.

– Yes I want to.

IВ gave the baroness the crystal. She turned them over inВ her hand. Then she kissed. But nothing has changed. He stayed black.

– Give it to me. You don’t do everything that way. Tatyana took the crystal. – It is necessary to kiss lovingly to dispel the magic of evil. She kissed him tenderly, passionately even. But nothing happened.

IВ laughed and took it back inВ my hand.

– It’s all superstition. You can’t just dispel the darkness with love. This is a fairy tale of true love does not exist. These are fairy tales for stupid girls.

IВ hit the ladies on the nose with my finger and went toВ get ready for the fight. IВ need this money.

It’s fight night. I’m sitting in the dressing room. My friend Diana Psheno is with me. My best friend. She wraps her hands around me. Help doesn’t work for me. Especially since she has soft hands. And so warm.

– Today you will definitely win. Although your opponent is strong, you are a winner at heart. She said softly looking into my eyes. I guess she’s in love with me. And from the first meeting. Noah can’t reciprocate. I have Martha.

– I have to win today. With the winnings, I will buy something that will help me with my beloved Martha.

– Oh, you’re talking about her. As if there were no other girls in the world. She said angrily. She tried to grow up to my ideals. I drank a lot of milk so that my breasts grew. Played sports, was kind to teachers, studied well to become yellow like me. I liked her abs. She painted well and became delightful. However, she is not my favorite.

– There are no others. She is my true love since childhood. I loved her at first sight. For life. She is my ideal and I will die for her. I’ll go through all the tests just to see her. We will have children, and I dream of growing old with her.

The girl, all angry, walked around me from behind and hugged me. She pressed against me with all the bulges. It is noticeable that they have grown. She didn’t lose hope. It bribed me in it.

– You are dear to me Claudius. She moved her lips to my ear. Her hot breath, the vibration of her voice did not evoke the emotions she wanted.

You are also dear to me as a friend. I am happy that I have such a good friend like you. You know I’ll do anything for you my friend. Ask for everything and I will help you. You are dear to me. At the academy, many are friends not seriously, but for a while or for the sake of profit. I want to be friends with you all my life.

– I know you appreciate me. But you don’t see me as a girl, just a friend. You have two girls walking around the academy and saying that they are yours. I envy them. Even though I know it doesn’t mean anything to you. You are as cold to them as you are to me. They are not competitors for me. Only Marta Mizinchik is my competitor. I went to the slave store to see similar girls. They stand so beautiful with an inscription, a sample similar to Martha Mizinchik, they have an increased price. Seventy gold. They are very popular among the slaves. You raised their value with your stories about her. My breasts can’t compete with them. At least for now. If they do not grow, I will go to the dark quarter to the local sorcerer, he will increase them. Although the price is too high one hundred gold. But for you, I’m ready for anything. But I haven’t decided on it yet. You still won’t love me. The girl licked my ear. So soft. Another guy in my place would have trembled. But not me. My heart is occupied only by Martha. «You didn’t even respond to me. Another would tremble. I have often seen this with other couples. But you are not so simple. Tell me honestly, did Martha hug you like that?

– Yes, she did so often in childhood. I love her. You are my girlfriend.

The girl moved away silently. Tears went down her face. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t dare.

– Enter the ring, everyone is waiting for you. I hope someday you can find a place in your heart for me too.

The girl left and I sighed heavily. I cannot reciprocate her feelings, but I understand her feelings. What can I do to make her happy. There were no ideas. So I got up and went to the ring. My bet on myself should bring me a good sum. A lot depends on it. This is all the money that I saved up during a year of hard work in a restaurant with Vivaldi and money sent by my father. I wonder what will happen if you let her kiss the crystal that Martha gave. It will also remain black. It’s all nonsense.

– Here is our favorite of the public – Said the old director of the academy Castor Otelov in a funny plaid shirt and black shorts. – Claudius Knut, nicknamed «Good Heart». We all know him well as a student of yellow and good-natured. He helps the poor homeless in the city. He defeated Barnabas, who kept the children in his terrible laboratory house. Mayor Anthony Mirage himself gave him five gold coins and a letter of thanks. He is a hero and a good student.

– I’m his girlfriend. – Shouted Tatyana from the hall.

– Me too. – Shouted my second girl Angelica, beaming with pride. The girls who sat next to her looked at her enviously. She got what she wanted.

– Of course, his two lovely ladies. Although the academy is not opposed to this, but this is already too much. Even student Igor Psheno only spins with one at a time. – He pointed with a bony finger at the twin who was hugging another elf girl. What happened to his demon girlfriend. He probably broke up with her. His sister was crying next to him. – Dear girl, do not cry for unrequited love. Come after the fight in my office, I have potions for such a case. He looked sadly at the girl. – But that’s later. Now our fight.

IВ entered the ring. The applause from the stands was deafening. They got drunk. Many people here love me. Although my lowly origins were shunned before. After all, my mother was aВ slave.

– And here is his rival vampire Masha. Strong and domineering. You know her as Masha «Lightning in the Dark». She is a first year and very strong. Red. From an ancient family of kings Malawi country in the east. She is the second daughter of the King of Izmir.

A beautiful girl in red shorts and a white T-shirt entered the ring. The stands clapped softly. She’s new and hasn’t made any friends yet. That’s why I thought it would be a good idea to put it on.

Hello Claudius. I’ve heard a lot about you and your girls.» She looked at me intently. Appreciated my strength, a smile on my face. Does she think I’m weak? I have a goal and I will stop at nothing to achieve it. – I’m interested in you as a guy. I’ll take you from them. You will be mine. Your Staff of Barnabas is a priceless treasure and will come in handy in my country Malawi. The owner of such an artifact can attract me. That’s why I came to this academy. With such power, I will take the throne. My father will not give it to my twin sister Mira. Date me? I can do a lot.

– First beat me in the ring. I won’t date a weakling.

– About what intensity of passions. Let the fight begin. – Said the director and quickly walked away.

We clapped our gloves together and it started. I moved softly and clearly. The first blow missed her. She is dexterous. Even though she didn’t use magic. Her retaliatory blow landed on my jaw. Strong but I survived.

– You are strong.

– I’m also smart. This is the kind of girl you need. You are a strong warrior and mage. You suit me.

– My heart is occupied by another Martha my true love. Defeating you will take me one step closer to her.

В«Then IВ need toВ defeat you toВ prevent this from happening.В»

AВ strong blow hit me inВ the stomach. IВ became, retreats toВ the ropes. But the gong sounded and IВ sat down on aВ table inВ the corner.

It’s been three rounds and I feel like I’m playing. All my attacks miss her. And her punches are strong.

– I believe in you my hero. – Said the princess, surrounded by her ladies-in-waiting and hangers-on. The bull-headed guy laughed at me. He is my enemy Homer and I have long wanted to wash his impudent smile off his face.

Yes, my student. I believe in your strength. You always showed diligence in my lessons. – Said the teacher Melendil.

The vampire hit me inВ the stomach again. Blood poured from my mouth.

– A lot of people here love you. They even have a heartbeat when I hit you. And there are many. It’s strange you’re so popular with girls. You suit me in this, I was convinced completely. I need a guy like that so that my father recognizes me as his heir to the throne.

– Not.

I yelled and punched her in the face. She relaxed for a moment. This is my chance. The girl fell. The director began to count. That’s ten sounded.

– Here’s our winner. Claudius Knut, nicknamed «Good Heart». Our hero.

How happy IВ am. Shouted into the void.

Martha, I’m one step closer to you.

I happily ran to the locker room. There Diana helped me change. She didn’t say anything, just hugged him at the end and left. I quickly flew to the director Kastor Otelov. He’s the head bookmaker at the academy. He was waiting for me. He has already put the money on the table. He knows everything because he sees the future.

– Here is your one hundred and forty coins. Almost half of Martha is in your pocket. Fifty coins for the battle, the rest is your bet. Everything is accurate. – He said cheerfully sitting in his office. In a blue robe, he beamed with pride for me. – Keep the money for yourself until better times?

– No, I’ll buy what I need. The most important. Without this, there will be no point in buying my Martha. I have realized this recently.

– Okay, my student. Spend them wisely. If you need advice, I will give it. Even though you will come. See you Claudius our hero.

IВ happily went toВ my girlfriend Tatyana, IВ need her for an important matter. She sat next toВ her princess and another lady-in-waiting, Sophia, inВ her red wing. On the way toВ it, everyone congratulated me on my victory.

– Princess release her for me for a couple of hours. I have important business with her.

– Oh, you still decided to do it with her. This is good. She buzzed my ears that you don’t want her. At the hotel you will say that they will make a discount from me. Then you will go to the doctor for medicine, say that he will also make a discount from me. Enjoy Claudius while you can. The princess laughed. Although I noticed sadness.

– No, what are you. I need her for advice.

– No matter. Don’t hate her. I agree you can go Tatiana.

My girlfriend ran up toВ me and kissed me on the cheek. She is so gentle. She is so beautiful inВ this lush dress.

We left the academy. The city is always lively and beautiful. inВ the main streets. There are many dark corners behind the beautiful facade. And my friends bandits homeless children live inВ them.

It didn’t take long to get in the right direction. Soldiers passing by the golem saluted me along the way. I am respected.

So that’s where you took me. To a real estate office. – Said my girlfriend near the Sign «Realtors Mermaid».

– Of course, only you can help me buy a good apartment or house. I would be ashamed to come alone and ask for a double bed for the house. I would have been offered a little room in a hostel and that’s it. And so when a girl is with me, they will offer a big house.

– I knew that you think that our future is to be together. That’s right, after the academy I don’t want to go back home. I will live here in the city. We will be good together.

– Everything will be decided by time.

IВ did not argue with her, otherwise she would leave and opened the door, letting the lady in. My home is just for Martha and me. From one thought that we will only be together intoxicated thoughts. But IВ pulled myself together.

Three mermen with scales instead of skin stood near two armchairs. This is clearly where all the negotiations will take place. The chief merman was sitting at a large table sorting through papers. Looks like we’ve entered a heated argument.

We want to buy us a house. – Said the excited girl. She liked the idea of being alone. Especially on two local beds. She is a beautiful girl and such thoughts sometimes visited me.

– It is very good. Young people came to the address. Sit down in this chair and let’s get started.

We sat down in a comfortable chair together. My girlfriend sat as close to me as possible. And she wrapped her arms around me. This picture embarrassed three adult men under forty. It’s in my hand. There will be fewer questions.

– We have many options. What type of housing do you need?

– We need a house. Not strong big. But not small and cheaper. – I said cheerfully. – No more than two hundred and eighty-five gold coins. – That’s all the money I have. Of course, I could save up to three hundred and go for Martha, but where will she live. I can’t go to the hostel. The hotel is expensive. And we still need to do paperwork for release. Also to the mayor Anthony Mirage to give a bribe to the priest of the religion of light. I still don’t have enough money for it. I need a house with a separate entrance to the basement. Multi-storey is better. Where can people be accommodated? Arrange beds. – This is a good option for homeless children. There they will at least spend the night calmly clean and without disturbing me having their own key.

– The amount is not big and the requests are strange. – Said another of them. Hidalgo is written on the chest. «But we have options. Look here.

He waved his hand and three holograms from the crystal inВ his hand flashed inВ front ofВ us. Three cute houses. All ofВ them are unique inВ their ownВ way.

– They fit all your needs. They have two storey cellars with rows of beds. They had large families. The difference between them is in the areas where they are located. In the golden area near the academy, this house. He pointed to the red house. -But Orcs settled next to him. And they stink a little in there. So the residents are gone. Although they themselves were rat people.

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