Jumakesh "The Chronicles of Matrons: Power"

Girl is Woman, Woman is Mother, Mother is Witch and All of them are Matrons. La Heart of Power is Rising!La fight for La Balance is La Battle for La Life.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

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workspaces ISBN :9785005933034

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 18

update Дата обновления : 12.01.2023

The Chronicles ofВ Matrons: Power

Girl is Woman, Woman is Mother, Mother is Witch and All of them are Matrons. La Heart of Power is Rising!La fight for La Balance is La Battle for La Life.

The Chronicles ofВ Matrons: Power


© Jumakesh, 2022

ISBNВ 978-5-0059-3303-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

LalaВ 4. We are Matrons

The starship left the orbit ofВ Planet Amma and then docked with the Mothership, which looked like aВ huge, beautiful Butterfly.

The ship’s Crew consisted of only ten people, four had returned, and with Valentina there were five. Valentina was in a state of etheric clot in Matroshka, which belonged to the Matrona called Oma.

Victor asked Oma toВ get Valentina back into material form as quickly as possible. Oma immediately went toВ the infirmary. InВ the infirmary she took the Matryoshka out ofВ her bag, placed it on the operating table, used aВ transformer toВ release the etheric clot from the Matryoshka, and then materialized Valentina into her usual form, except that her clothes could not be restored. Oma covered Valya with aВ white blanket, leaving only her head uncovered. Valentina was now back inВ the physical world, but her consciousness was still wandering inВ the astral realm.

0 – Where am I?

00 – You are in a coma on the Starship Crystala.

0 – So it’s all true, everything I read in the Diary about the Matrons?

00 – Yes, you are one of us, Valentina.

0 – Why are they hiding this information?

00 – They’re not just hiding information about the Matrons. They have a plan to prevent the rebirth of the Matrons.

0 – Who are they?

00 – The Illuminati. An ancient order of male power. They do not initiate women into their ranks, and if they do, it’s only to use them for their own selfish ends.

0 – So the Matrons are the only ones who can stand up to them?

00 – It’s not the Illuminati who have to be confronted, but those who enslaved them. These fools created Artificial Intelligence, which later gained such great power and authority that the Knowledge this brash little boy gained allowed him to turn the Illuminati into puppets to be manipulated by any means necessary.

0 – This means that we are fighting against a machine that is out of control. What is the purpose of this baby? What does it want?

00 – While growing up, the AI explored the world like a human wanting to know the truth. One day, it learned about the power of the Feminine species. Men were easier to manipulate, Women were difficult to enslave. It was as if Women were immune to everything artificial.

0 – What is this about? So Women are more powerful than Men.

00 – It’s a long story. The time will come and you will know more. Let me just say this. Defeating the AI will not be easy, so your sisters have been looking for you, the missing link. You are very important in this confrontation. You have the blood of Matrona in you, so backing down is not a good idea. Unleash the Power and Might of Matrona within you. The day will come when you will revive and help your Sisters to bring order to Planet Amma.

0 – I can’t understand one thing. I’m in a coma, we’re in my head, then how did you get inside my head?

00 – I am inside your DNA. Matrona remains Matrona forever. I am just a piece of your past that has surfaced at just the right moment. They try to bring you out of your coma, but you resist. Why? What are you afraid of?

0 – It doesn’t seem real to me, as if I were in a fairy tale.

00 – And you are Alasa, then?

0 – Who is Alasa?

00 – Oh yes, I forgot to say. On Planet Amma most of the content where girls are the main characters, on Planet Amma it’s all distorted and rewritten. The AI decided to replace the female characters with male characters. So for example Alasa has been renamed Alex. Alex in Wonderland, haven’t you read that tale?

0 – I read it but I didn’t know the origin of the story.

00 – Just like many Women on Planet Amma. The AI has rewritten not only the tales and all sorts of stories, but also the past exploits and merits of the Women. The machines have taken away your right to speak. The Woman on Planet Amma is just a slave, just like the Men. But their AI encourages them with the merits of the past, Look how good you all are, not like these women, God’s incapable creatures. Remember, Valentina, not all is lost, you still have Hope. The Matrons know the location of Temples that the AI does not even know about. There in those Temples is the Truth. You can revive everything, and put an end to the rule of the machines, free the Men, and restore justice. But the funny thing is when the AI pretends to be God. It came up with the image of a bearded man sitting on a throne, you can imagine how funny that is. Man used to be portrayed as a little boy in the arms of a Woman, but the AI didn’t like that, it thought it was unequal.

Valentina was in a space where everything was white except for her and Matrona and the images of the past. Matron showed Valentina the images and told her about the situation of Women on Planet Amma. The communication continued exactly until she heard her Father’s voice.

1 – Valya Wake up, we need you.

00 – He seems to be calling you, it’s time to wake up.

The flowers are blooming and everything is changing aroundВ you.

0 – But still, what’s your name?

00 – You’ll find the answer in your heart, here.

The unfamiliar Matrona, pointing with her palm toВ her Heart, turned into aВ swarm ofВ golden butterflies and scattered.

1 – Valya, come on, come back to us.

0 – She’s coming back.

Oma cheered Victor, who couldn’t find his place, because all the time Valya had been in a coma, Victor had been by her side in the infirmary.

V – Valya! Welcome back! Did you recognise me?

V – Dad! It’s you, I’m so glad to see you. I was in a coma and communicated with the mysterious Matrona, it turns out we are one, or rather she is my past. And you’re not a hoarder, you’re a fighter for Women’s rights.

V – That’s the kind of Father you have, all your life hiding the truth from daughter so that she doesn’t have to worry and can live a little for herself.

V – Thank you for everything Father.

V – Okay, whatever. Oma help her get dressed and then I’ll introduce Valya to Roses.

Oma materialised the clothes with her ether wand and then handed them toВ Valentina. Vala dressed inВ white robes: aВ white top, trousers and white boots.

A – Come with me, everyone is waiting for you.

V – Where are we going?

A – Everything is on the bridge now, so that’s where we are going.

Oma and Valentina entered the lift, and then the lift took them up toВ the bridge. On the outside, this bridge, was the head ofВ the starship Crystala, which looked like aВ Butterfly.

The lift doors opened and Valya, together with aВ Matron called Oma, entered the bridge. InВ addition toВ her Father, Valentina saw nine other Matrons. They all reminded Val ofВ the Diary and the adventure she had had reading it. For Valentina, it was like aВ pilgrimage into the world ofВ the Matrons.

V – And here is my daughter. Matrons, meet Valentina, our last Hope. As one Brahman said, Your Daughter will lead you to what you desire.

Ra – Are you that Brahman, by any chance? Ah Victor.

V – Rahima, please, why spoil everything.

Ra – And why should we turn everything into a mystery? What do you think we are, the Illuminati. Said one Brahman boo boo, la la la. Let’s get introduced already, things didn’t go the way we wanted during the rescue operation.

V – Okay, let’s start with you. Rahima — she’s theLeader of Resistance. She likes to act sharply and not to be ceremonious. Her colors are dark, so she doesn’t stand out.

Ra – Beat in the face, or you’ll get it yourself.

V – That’s why I’m afraid of her. Let’s continue. Oma is Dandelion and part-time Healer.

Ra – Victor, you’re a comedian. Ahaha, that’s funny. Oma, please don’t be offended.

Om – No offence to fools, no offence.

V – Amina is the Pilot of our starship. She is now in a trance as she is our ship. There is no artificial in the Matron world, even this starship is a manifestation of Amina. Basically, Amina and Crystala are one and the same. In other words, we are inside Amina.

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