Margarita Referee "Tibetan Horoscope 2024: Year of the Wood Dragon"

The year of the Wood Dragon will run from February 10, 2024, to February 27, 2025. In this book you will find 60 (sixty) unique Tibetan horoscopes for the year 2024, calculated for all twelve Animals of the Eastern Zodiac and for each of the five Elements. You will also find here basic information about Tibetan astrology.

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Автор

person Автор :

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child_care Возрастное ограничение : 12

update Дата обновления : 19.10.2023

1982 – February 24 – Dog-Water

1983 – February 13 – Pig-Water

1984 – March 3 – Rat-Wood

1985 – February 20 – Ox-Wood

1986 – February 9 – Tiger-Fire

1987 – February 28 – Hare-Fire

1988 – February 18 – Dragon-Earth

1989 – February 7 – Snake-Earth

1990 – February 26 – Horse-Metal

1991 – February 15 – Sheep-Metal

1992 – March 5 – Monkey-Water

1993 – February 22 – Bird-Water

1994 – February 11 – Dog-Wood

1995 – March 2 – Pig-Wood

1996 – February 19 – Rat-Fire

1997 – February 8 – Ox-Fire

1998 – February 27 – Tiger-Earth

1999 – February 17 – Hare-Earth

2000 – February 6 – Dragon-Metal

2001 – February 24 – Snake-Metal

2002 – February 13 – Horse-Water

2003 – March 3 – Sheep-Water

2004 – February 21 – Monkey-Wood

2005 – February 9 – Bird-Wood

2006 – February 28 – Dog-Fire

2007 – February 18 – Pig-Fire

2008 – February 7 – Rat-Earth

2009 – February 25 – Ox-Earth

2010 – February 14 – Tiger-Metal

2011 – March 5 – Hare-Metal

2012 – February 22 – Dragon-Water

2013 – February 11 – Snake-Water

2014 – March 2 – Horse-Wood

2015 – February 19 – Sheep-Wood

2016 – February 9 – Monkey-Fire

2017 – February 27 – Bird-Fire

2018 – February 16 – Dog-Earth

2019 – February 5 – Pig-Earth

2020 – February 24 – Rat-Metal

2021 – February 12 – Ox-Metal

2022 – March 3 – Tiger-Water

2023 – February 22 – Hare-Water

Forecast for 2024

The year of the Dragon begins on February 10, 2024, and ends on February 27, 2025. Wood is the Element of the year. The year of the Wood Dragon is the 38th year in the 60-year cycle of the Tibetan calendar. In Tibetan, this year is called Tromo, which translates as "Terrible".

The standard description of the year of the Dragon is as follows:

“The Year of the Dragon is energetic, giving rise to celebrations and grandiose projects. It is auspicious for marriage, birth, and new beginnings. It is a year of surprises, when an opportunity can be grasped or lost. There are also natural disturbances.”

Wood years have the following standard characteristic:

"Wood gives an animal mobility and vitality, a supple and balanced creative power, and a quality of softness. Wood years are years of transformation."

The year of Wood Dragon has the following combination of Elements:

Vitality – Earth,

Body – Fire,

Strength – Wood,

Fortune – Wood,

Life-soul – Fire.

A similar combination of Elements was in 1964, 1904, 1844, 1784 … 1064. Those years were years of Wood Dragon.

General Recommendations and Tips

Do not worry about the black stones. Everyone has them and the set of stones changes from year to year. Black stones require greater awareness and help people to engage in self-development. If you have black stones in any of the fields, then try to distribute your energy correctly and harmonize your overall condition.

Check the stones of your partners, relatives, and friends. Perhaps their white stones can help compensate for your black stones.

Do not be fooled by a large number of white stones in the forecast for the year. Be vigilant, because white stones, let's say, discourage and incline to laziness. Use the opportunities that open up, but correlate them with the restrictions (black stones) of the year. Remember that the harmony of your internal energies and their coherence with external energies – that’s the key to success and fortune.

Remember to focus on internal changes (in consciousness, in character), not on rituals. Develop a balanced, mature approach to life, use common sense, and everything will be fine. Good luck!

The Rat

NB: look for your Animal and your Element in the Chapter "How to identify your Animal and your Element", find out the meaning of obscure terms in the Chapter "Important preliminary information"

Basic Elements:

– Vitality Element: Water,

– Fortune Element: Wood,

– Life-soul Element: Metal.

Friends (have the same Fortune Element): Dragon and Monkey.

Antagonist: Horse.

Successful professions: business person, writer.

The most favorable day of the week – Wednesday.

Main character traits:

– charming, sociable, but straightforward;

– curiosity, hard work, creativity, and ambition;

– good organizer;

– can hide selfishness, prudence, and even aggression under friendliness;

– independent, self-centered, stubborn, prone to manipulating others;

– loves money and success, generous with loved ones; sensual, can be wasteful;

– a true friend.


Year: 1924, 1984

Vitality Element: Water. Body Element: Metal. Strength Element: Wood. Fortune Element: Wood. Life-soul Element: Metal

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