Вячеслав Яценко "Pentabasis and Age-related Pentapsychology. London, Paris, Roma, Madrid, Lisboa, Moscow"

To analyze personality, a five-component approach (pentapsychology) is used. The Pentabasis is considered – a five-level worldview model proposed by the administration of the President of Russia as a value ideology of Russian society. Age-related pentapsychology, a section of pentapsychology, explains the essence of Pentabasis and offers a practice-tested methodology for selecting personnel to increase the effectiveness of large-scale application of Pentabasis in the life of the country.

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update Дата обновления : 26.07.2024

– instance-introvert 4-Heart – managerial abilities, building relationships according to the scheme “I and you are on the same level”, friendliness, equality, brotherhood, heartfelt relationships, in Eric Berne’s transactional analysis the state Adult, the temperament type phlegmatic, the implementation of independent conscious management choice;

– instance-extrovert 5-Soul – building relationships according to the scheme “You are higher, I am lower”, altruism, submission, service, devotion, sacrifice, the temperament type sanguine, the implementation of independent conscious emotional choice.

Age-related pentapsychology notes that three instances of consciousness (5-Soul, 4-Heart, 1-Mind) begin to show age-related activity in the sequence: 1-Mind (from 1.5 – 2 years of age), 4-Heart (from 6 years of age), 5-Soul (from 18 years of age). Such a sequence is directly opposite to the irreproachable 541-hierarchy of consciousness instances and is the reason for the emergence in a person of a false idea of reality.

In the absence of purposeful, systematic formation of the personality of a child or teenager, he may have the erroneous idea that the 145-hierarchy is a natural hierarchy of consciousness instances and this hierarchy must be observed.

Depending on the innate dominant properties of the individual, living conditions and upbringing, a teenager can be formed a 14-hierarchy or 41-hierarchy of consciousness instances, and an adult can be formed a 145-, 154-, 415-, 451-, 514- or 541-hierarchy of consciousness instances.

When forming a harmoniously developed personality in a child, teenager, or adult, the task of pedagogy is, first of all, the formation in their consciousness of a harmonious 541-hierarchy of instances.

1.4. Five value dominants of Pentabasis and five instances of personality

Let’s compare the five value dominants of Pentabasis and the five instances of personality in pentapsychology:

– “PERSON (creation)” – instance 3-Irratio, creativity, irrational actions;

– “FAMILY (traditions)” – instance 2-Ratio, rational actions;

– “SOCIETY (consent)” – instance 1-Mind, analytical abilities, use of mind to achieve agreement;

– “STATE (trust in institutions)” – instance 4-Heart, managerial abilities, managerial actions based on friendliness, counteraction to the “fifth column”;

– “COUNTRY (patriotism)” – instance 5-Soul, service, devotion, sacrifice, altruism for the sake of preserving the sovereignty of the country.

1.5. Selection of personnel for the use of Pentabasis

The comparison of Pentabasis and pentapsychology shows which instance of personality, when selecting personnel, should show innate dominance in order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the value dominants of Pentabasis:

– instance 5-Soul – “COUNTRY (patriotism)”;

– instance 4-Heart – “STATE (trust in institutions)”;

– instance 3-Irratio – “PERSON (creation)”;

– instance 2-Ratio – “FAMILY (traditions)”;

– instance 1-Mind – “SOCIETY (consent)”.

Based on the octanalytic personality code, it is possible to select a candidate whose necessary instance of personality shows a high degree of innate dominance.

For example, to implement the value dominant of Pentabasis “COUNTRY (patriotism)”, first of all, people with the innate dominance of the instance 5-Soul are needed. Pentapsychology notes that people born in a year ending in digit 2 or digit 3, for example, 2012, 2013, 2022, 2023, have such innate dominant personality traits.

1.6. Conclusions and offers

Age-related pentapsychology clearly explains the essence of Pentabasis. Pentapsychology also offers a practice-tested recruitment methodology to increase the effectiveness of the large-scale application of Pentabasis in the life of the country.

1.7. Compiling an octanalytic personality formula

Compiling an octanalytic personality formula makes it possible to reveal the congenital dominance of the personality instances. In the state of personality instance dominance, in the psyche, the properties of this personality instance are manifested first of all. The professional choice of a person, his behavior, character traits to a large extent depend on such a congenital tendency of personality instances to dominate.

Octanalysis studies the five instances of personality 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind. Before the name of an instance, its serial number in the natural hierarchy of instances is indicated, from top to bottom: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

The study of personality with the help of octanalysis shows that in each person, depending on the date of birth, from two to five instances of personality have a congenital inclination to dominance.

In octanalysis, a method has been developed for compiling an octanalytic personality formula, which reveals the “First Dominant” and “Second Dominant” – congenitally dominant instances of personality associated with the date of birth of a person. The dominance of first dominant is more pronounced than the dominance of second dominant.

This congenital dominance of the personality instance manifests itself to the same extent throughout a person’s life, regardless of the conditions of his life.

The term “octanalytic personality formula” used in octanalysis is substantiated by numerous tests in practice of the characteristics of such a formula when describing the properties of the psyche of specific people.

Dear reader! Below is a table with which you can independently create an octanalytic personality formula for any person by the date of his birth.

To describe the properties of the human psyche on the basis of the octanalytic personality formula, it is necessary to use not only the Table, but also to know in detail the properties of personality instances 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind. Numerous properties of these instances are described in articles on octanalysis on the website “Eight instances of the psyche” www.8-in.com.

Key properties of five instances of personality:

• instance of consciousness 5-Soul – service, sacrifice, altruism;

• instance of consciousness 4-Heart – managerial abilities;

• instance of the unconscious 3-Irratio – creative abilities;

• instance of the unconscious 2-Ratio – rational abilities;

• instance of consciousness 1-Mind – analytical abilities, selfishness.

Table. Compiling an octanalytic personality formula by date of birth

In the Table, for each year of birth, the New Year is indicated according to the Eastern calendar. It falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice (after December 21st). In the Gregorian calendar, this usually corresponds to one of the days between January 20 and February 20.

The boundaries of the periods of zodiac signs indicated in the Table are not clearly established and depend on the year of birth. For example, in leap years the boundary shifts slightly. On the boundaries of the periods of zodiac signs, the dates are indicated, transitional from one zodiac sign to another zodiac sign.

The first dominant in the zodiac sign is highlighted in bold. It shows that when the zodiac signs change, the first dominant changes according to the 43214-cycle.

Now let’s move on to compiling an octanalytic personality formula.

For example, we need to compile the octanalytic personality formula for the person born on July 2, 1954.

The table shows the start date of 1954 according to the Eastern calendar 02/03/1954. This means that, with a date of birth between 02/03/1954 and 01/23/1955, the entry “31-Horse” should be used. And with a date of birth from January 01 to February 02, 1954, you must use the entry “42-Snake”.

The beginning of the year according to the Eastern calendar falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice and therefore moves between January 20 and February 20.

According to the Table, we find the combination: the zodiac sign of the western calendar 42-Cancer and the sign of the Animal, eastern calendar, 31-Horse. Here “42” means that the First congenital dominant is the instance 4-Heart, and the Second congenital dominant is the instance 2-Ratio. The designation “31” shows that the First Dominant is the instance 3-Irratio, the Second Dominant is the instance 1-Mind.

The designation 42-Cancer shows that with short-term planning of actions for a period of one month or less (short term), the properties of instances 4-Heart (First dominant) and 2-Ratio (Second dominant) are manifested in human behavior, first of all.

The designation 31-Horse shows that with long-term planning of actions for a period of one year or more (long-term perspective), the properties of instances 3-Irratio (First dominant) and 1-Mind (Second dominant) are manifested in human behavior, first of all.

To describe the state of the psyche “42-Cancer” it is necessary to know in detail the properties of the personality instances 4-Heart and 2-Ratio. And to describe the state of the psyche “31-Horse” it is necessary to thoroughly study the properties of the personality instances 3-Irratio and 1-Mind.

In the given example of compiling an octanalytic personality formula, four instances of personality 4-Heart, 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio and 1-Mind show congenital dominance. But very often there are cases, according to the law of probability of uniform birth of people during the year, when only three or even two instances of personality show congenital dominance, for example, the combination: octanalytic personality formula 34-Sagittarius / 34-Dog, for people born in the period from November 23 to December 21 in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006. In such cases, a person needs special pedagogical and psychological support during childhood.

The absence of congenital dominance of the personality instance can be partially compensated by the purposeful formation of the acquired dominance of the personality instance through education and training. Such a preventive measure is of great benefit to a person in the implementation of his social and personal adaptation in society. The octanalytic patronage service systematically carries out such preventive measures, and a person’s life becomes more comfortable and happy. To register a person with an octanalytic patronage service, it is necessary to diagnose the congenital dominants of his personality. An octanalytic personality formula can be drawn up five minutes after the birth of a child, and this octanalytic formula of a person’s personality will be valid throughout his life.

It should be noted that the acquired dominance of the personality instance always manifests itself much weaker than congenital dominance. When performing any work, a person with acquired dominance of personality instance cannot successfully compete with a person who has a congenital dominance of this personality instance.

For example, with the combination 34-Sagittarius / 34-Dog, a person does not have a congenital need for the dominance of instances 1-Mind and 2-Ratio. Such a person does not have a congenital tendency to constantly and deeply analyze the situation and formulate conclusions (properties of consciousness instance 1-Mind). In addition, a person does not have an inclination to constantly comply with any laws, agreements, rules, there is no inclination to perform rational actions, consistent, systematic learning (instance properties of the unconscious 2-Ratio). For such a person, the need for analysis of the situation and rational behavior must be formed through his upbringing and training. And for this, you first need to find out if a person has such a problem. For this purpose, you need to compile an octanalytic personality formula.

1.8. Extended octanalytic personality formula

The extended octanalytic personality formula is more accurate. When compiling it, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the so-called background dominant – one of the five instances of personality. The background dominant is determined by the year of a person’s birth and manifests itself in a person’s behavior as a congenital dominant. Personality instances (5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind), as background congenital dominants, uniquely correspond to the elements of “U-sin” (Water, Wood / Air, Fire, Earth, Metal) of Eastern philosophy and the elements (Ether, Water, Fire, Earth, Air) of ancient Greek philosophy.

Based on the data on the properties of elements “U-sin” of Eastern philosophy, every ten years all five instances of personality (5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind) dominate as a background dominant, in turn two years in a row.

Instance 1-Mind dominates as background dominant in years ending in 0 and 1. Instance 5-Soul dominates in years ending in 2 and 3. Instance 4-Heart dominates in years ending in 4 and 5. Instance 3-Irratio dominates in years ending in 6 and 7. Instance 2-Ratio dominates in years ending in 8 and 9.

For example, the instance 5-Soul dominates, as a background dominant, in the psyche of people who were born in 2022 and 2023, the instance 4-Heart – for those born in 2024 and 2025, etc. The sequence of changes in years of background dominance of personality instances corresponds to 543215-cycle “Way of the Heart”.

The instance of personality, which dominates in the year of birth of a person as a background dominant, is an important congenital factor of the psyche, which it is advisable to take into account when compiling the octanalytic personality formula. In this case, the personality formula will have a different form.

For example, for a date of birth 07/2/1954, the usual personality formula is 42-Cancer / 31-Horse. The last digit of 1954 shows that for this year the background dominant is the personality instance 4-Heart. With this in mind, we write the extended personality formula as follows: 42-Cancer / 4-31-Horse. The entry “4-31-Horse” shows that instance 4-Heart is the congenital background dominant “4” for people born in 1954—1955, and in the combination of dominants “31” the instance 3-Irratio is the first dominant, and the instance 1-Mind is the second dominant. Thus, an additional entry in the personality formula shows that in connection with the background dominance of the instance 4-Heart, his congenital managerial abilities are more clearly manifested.

1.9. Refined octanalytic personality formula

The extended octanalytic personality formula discussed above changes in a 60-year cycle, which creates convenience in compiling the formula for people who lived several centuries ago.

In this formula, we took into account the influence of the congenital dominants of the solar zodiac sign, which shows the impact on the human psyche of the state of the Sun against the background of the constellations on the day of his birth. This formula can be refined, taking into account also the influence of innate personality dominants, depending on the lunar zodiac sign, which shows the influence on the human psyche of the state of the Moon against the background of the constellations on the day of his birth.

The lunar zodiac sign has a 19-year cycle of signs (with an accuracy of +2 hours 5 minutes). The phases of the moon go a day ahead relative to the calculated ones for 219 years.

Let us introduce the notation:

(0%) – the percentage of illumination of the moon in the new moon phase is 0%;

(28% +) – the percentage of illumination of the moon in the waxing moon phase is 28%;

(50% +) – the percentage of illumination of the moon in the “First Quarter” phase is 50%;

(100%) – the percentage of illumination of the moon in the “full moon” phase is 100%;

(50% -) – the percentage of illumination of the moon in the “Third Quarter” phase is 50%;

(23% -) – the percentage of illumination of the moon in the “waning moon” phase is 23%.

For the date of birth 07/2/1954 in the Internet search engine, for the query “moon phase July 2, 1954” we get:

“The current moon phase for July 2nd, 1954 is the Waxing Crescent phase. On this day, the moon is 2.06 days old and 4.59% illuminated with a tilt of -137.099°. The approximate distance from Earth to the moon is 380,083.28 km and the moon sign is Leo”.

Then the refined octanalytic personality formula for the date of birth on July 2, 1954 will look like:

3 lunar day / 31-Leo / 4% + // 42-Cancer / 4-31-Horse.

In this formula, the data obtained from the lunar calendar,

“3 lunar day / 31-Leo / 4% +”

provide additional information about the congenital properties of the human psyche.

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