Марина Смирнова "A communicative approach in teaching English"

В данном пособии не только описаны основные принципы коммуникативной методики, но также даны многие примеры заданий и ситуаций на уроке со ссылками на интерактивные ресурсы, которые Вы смело можете использовать в своей педагогической практике. Это – краткое руководство, которое всегда должно быть под рукой, чтобы проводить самые интересные, методически выверенные и продуктивные уроки английского языка!

date_range Год издания :

foundation Издательство :Издательские решения

person Автор :

workspaces ISBN :9785005388179

child_care Возрастное ограничение : 12

update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

– Grammar is introduced in the context through games, questions \ answers, composing sentences under the model, finding structures in the text and eliciting the meaning.

Pre-tasks. 5В minutes: tasks toВ pre-teach the vocabulary, structures or ideas expressed inВ the following reading, listening, aВ video. Among the tasks there mayВ be:

– questions,

– discussion «for \ against»,

– games,

– guesses what the topic is,

– finding opposites \ synonyms, etc.

The main task. Practising new vocabulary and grammar. 10—15 minutes:

– reading, listening or a video can be the main task representing new material including the topic, vocabulary and grammatic structures,

– drilling (filling in the gaps, matching tasks, composing sentences putting words in the correct order, finding words with the given meaning, choosing between several options, multiple choice tasks) can be done to check the understanding of the vocabulary and grammar from the main task.

Post-tasks. 5—10 minutes.

The students should reproduce what they have read, listened to, watched, – and speak on the topic, compose dialogues (even using the samples), express their opinion, make a role play, agree or disagree, etc.

The final part. 3—4 minutes.

– Mistakes correction: on the board the main mistakes made by the students are written down.

– The home task is also written down on the board and explained by a teacher if necessary.

Here is the example of a lesson plan. It’s convenient to complete a chart with it for better comprehension.

How toВ speak EnglishВ only

What typical problems does aВ teacher have toВ tackle while speaking only English at the lesson?

– Speaking English with young learners who are not prepared and can’t understand any information yet.

– With beginners the problem is the same as with young learners.

– Reacting to their Russian – students tend to speak Russian when they know their teacher is not a native speaker.

– Simplifying – a teacher needs to learn how to simplify their speech to make it comprehensive for the students of low levels.

– Pacing – a gradual presentation of the material.

– Using supplementary materials – there are a lot of them to visualise new vocabulary.

The solutions for these problems mayВ be:

For young learners:

– prepare the materials supporting new words visually: cards, images, presentations, toys, puppets.

– Use a lot of gestures and facial mimicry, show actions with your movements, don’t be shy to act and play together with them.

– Try to use simple language, do not paraphrase commands (let’s say together – should always be the same, don’t change it into «let’s repeat, or repeat after me…»)

– Let them touch, watch and move a lot while studying, repeat the words you’ve said and keep their own tempo, don’t accelerate them much.

For beginners (teenagers \ adults):

– use a screen-demonstration (if online) or handouts and board actively (if off-line).

– Visual support is also very important, provide the video with short dialogues, repeat them after the audio-recordings, use images for new words.

– Simplify your language: speak distinctively and slowly, repeat and paraphrase your sentences if they fail to understand them.

– The body language is as important as visualization.

Reacting toВ students using their native language instead ofВ English:

– if they ask something or say something in Russian, react and answer in English, ask them to repeat their question in English writing down or saying the words they didn’t know.

– If they ask you to say something in Russian, the way it works is to show them the picture of the word on the Internet (if online) or paraphrase what you have said or give them the synonymous row.

– The worst thing is to be overprotective and translate everything you said into Russian for them. They should get used to think in English and guess the meanings of unknown words through the context.


– if you work with lower levels, you will need to be precise and use the structures that they know when giving instructions.

– The images are used to give them the idea of what the words on the list mean. You should visualise as more as possible.

– If the task seems too difficult for the level, you can give additional prompts and adapt the material for the students to make it less elaborate.


– give a new material gradually, don’t hurry up.

– Some topics can be divided into parts.

E.g.В Present Perfect is better toВ divide into working with each meaning during one or even two lessons at the same time enriching the vocabulary.

– Make sure there isn’t a big gap between the spoken and grammatic material. You should pay more attention to the involvement of students into talking, but compose the material so that they could practise grammar structures while talking too.

– E.g. Present Perfect is well understood in the context of such a topic as «Travelling» because you can ask questions with «Have you ever been..?» and others about their experience.

Supplementary materials:

– pictures \ online images,

– presentations (online),

– apps and programmes (learning apps, kahoot, bamboozle, wordwall, quizlet) – online and at the computer,

– printed handouts,

– audio \ video,

– cards (not only with images, with roles, tasks…),

– toys, etc.

They are needed for visualisation, games, speaking practice and they help you involve students inВ the communicative process at the lesson.

Control at the lesson

What should a teacher control at the lesson? Not every movement of the students’ tongue and immediately correct every mistake as someone may think! But the following points:

– the progress of the students: for that there should be the initial and final testing (at the beginning and at the end of the level). You can test students orally, through written tasks, giving the overview of the progress, praising and indicating what students can do that they couldn’t do before.

– Home work: briefly checking the main aspects, e.g.just the words inserted in the sentences – not the whole sentence to read, and partially through the tasks at the next lesson. That is when the teacher gives the same kind of exercise (with the same vocabulary or grammar they have already had at the previous lessons and at home to practise), it is clear that the student understood the task and did everything at home if they give correct answers. You can briefly check homework together, but no more than 5 minutes at the beginning of the lesson or if it refers to any other part of the lesson – in the middle or even by the end of it.

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