Возрастное ограничение : 12
Дата обновления : 19.06.2023
thriller – [‘?r?l?]
western – [‘w?st?n]
No movie would be interesting to the viewer without good acting. Not everyone knows that several people participate in the creation of one character. First of all, it's the actor or actress, who we directly see on the screen. At the heart of the acting job lies the art of transforming from one character to another and thus evoking emotions and experiences in the viewer. Secondly, it's a stand-in – a person similar in body structure and appearance to the main actor in the film. He replaces this actor during a long preparation for the shooting – camera setup, lighting and microphones installation – while the main actor is preparing for the scene. Thirdly, it's the stuntman who performs tricks instead of the actor, tricks sometimes associated with the risk of injury. There are also voice actors and dubbing, complementing the image of the character we see on the screen in the end.
Ни один фильм не будет интересен зрителю без хорошей актёрской игры. Не все знают, что в создании одного персонажа участвует несколько человек.
Во-первых, это актёр или актриса, которых мы непосредственно видим в кадре. В основе актёрской проф
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