Andrey Tikhomirov "Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible"

Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles from the New Testament. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейских Посланий апостолов из Нового завета. На английском языке.

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update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

17В These are waterless springs, clouds and mists driven byВ aВ storm: the darkness ofВ eternal darkness is prepared for them. (Analogies with natural phenomena).

18В For when they utter puffed-up nonsense, they catch inВ the carnal lusts and debauchery ofВ those who have barely lagged behind those who are inВ error. (Condemnation ofВ the wicked, sinners).

19В They promise them freedom, being themselves slaves ofВ corruption; for whoever is defeated byВ whom is aВ slave toВ him. (Condemnation ofВ the wicked, sinners).

20В For if, having escaped the defilements ofВ the world through the knowledge ofВ our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled inВ them and overcome byВ them, then the latter is worse for them than the first. (Condemnation ofВ the wicked, sinners).

21В It would be better for them not toВ know the way ofВ righteousness, rather than, having known, toВ return back from the holy commandment committed toВ them. (Condemnation ofВ the wicked, sinners).

22В But it happens toВ them according toВ the true proverb: the dog returns toВ his vomit, and: the washed pig [goes] toВ wallow inВ the mud. (Analogies with dogs and pigs).

ChapterВ 3

1В This is the second epistle IВ am writing toВ you, beloved; inВ them IВ excite your pure meaning with aВ reminder, (Mention ofВ the 2nd epistle).

2В That you may remember the words spoken before byВ the holy prophets, and the commandment ofВ the Lord and Savior, given byВ your apostles. (Establishing the need toВ remember the speeches ofВ the prophets, the commandment В«ofВ the Lord and Savior, betrayed byВ your ApostlesВ»).

3В First ofВ all, know that inВ the last days, brazen scoffers will appear, acting according toВ their own lusts (Mention ofВ the В«last daysВ»).

4В And they say, Where is the promise ofВ his coming? For since the fathers began toВ die, from the beginning ofВ creation, everything remains the same. (Nothing inВ the world is changing, В«brazen scolders who act according toВ their own lustsВ» claim. Fear ofВ criticism).

5В Those who think this way do not know that inВ the beginning, byВ the word ofВ God, the heavens and the earth are made up ofВ water and water: (God created the heavens and the earth with his word, which are В«made up ofВ water and waterВ»).

6В Therefore the world ofВ that time perished, being drowned byВ water. (God has destroyed the world with water).

7В But the present heavens and the earth, which are contained byВ the same Word, are being preserved byВ fire for the day ofВ judgment and destruction ofВ wicked men. (The present heaven and earth, which are В«contained byВ the same Word,В» are being preserved for the judgment ofВ the wicked.)

8В One thing should not be hidden from you, beloved, that the Lord has one day as aВ thousand years, and aВ thousand years as one day. (With God, everything is possible).

9В The LORD does not delay inВ fulfilling the promise, as some consider it toВ be aВ delay; but he is patient with us, not wanting anyone toВ perish, but for everyone toВ come toВ repentance. (Repentance is beneficial toВ the priesthood, since there is aВ suggestion ofВ guilt).

10 But the day of the LORD will come like a thief in the night, and then the heavens will pass away with a noise, and the elements, having flared up, will be destroyed, the earth and all the works on it will burn up. (Tat (slav.) – a thief. Elements (Greek) – in Greek philosophy – the primary elements (usually earth, water, fire and air), which make up the material world).

11В If all this is destroyed inВ this way, then what should you be inВ holy life and piety, (the conversion ofВ all kinds ofВ troubles).

12В who are waiting and wishing for the coming ofВ the day ofВ God, inВ which the inflamed heavens will collapse and the inflamed elements will melt? (The conversion ofВ all kinds ofВ troubles on the day ofВ the В«coming ofВ GodВ»).

13В Nevertheless, according toВ his promise, we are waiting for aВ new heaven and aВ new earth, inВ which righteousness dwells. (Believers hope for aВ new heaven and aВ new earth, В«where the truth dwellsВ»).

14В Therefore, beloved, while waiting for this, strive toВ appear before him undefiled and blameless inВ the world; (Waiting for the В«judgment ofВ GodВ»).

15В And consider the long-suffering ofВ our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul, according toВ the wisdom given toВ him, wrote toВ you (Mentioning the Apostle Paul).

16В as he says about this inВ all the epistles, inВ which there is something incomprehensible, which the ignorant and the unapproved, toВ their own destruction, turn, like other Scriptures. (Christians should refute unjust accusations ofВ disobedience toВ the authorities with their immaculate lives).

17В Therefore, beloved, having been forewarned ofВ this, take care that you do not get carried away byВ the error ofВ the wrongdoers and fall away from your statement (It is necessary toВ fight against the В«error ofВ the wrongdoersВ»).

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory to Him both now and in the eternal Day. Amen. (The second epistle consists of 3 chapters. The author of this epistle calls himself Simon Peter, but many scholars doubt that it was really written by the Apostle Peter, and date it to the end of the I – beginning of the II century A.D. The style and ideas of this epistle are very different from the first, it was quite late adopted by the church. The Apostle warns believers against false teachers who, in their arrogance, will deny Jesus who redeemed them and his second coming. Christians should refute unjust accusations of disobedience to the authorities with their immaculate lives, they should meet the coming of the Lord with dignity. The whole message is imbued with hope for the imminent return of the «Redeemer» and the expectation of a new universe according to his word, that is, suggestion).

4.В The First Conciliar Epistle ofВ the Holy Apostle John the Theologian

ChapterВ 1

1 About what was from the beginning, what we heard, what we saw with our eyes, what we examined and what our hands touched, about the Word of life – (A story about what we heard, saw and felt).

2 For life has appeared, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you this eternal life, which was with the Father and appeared to us, – (A reference to God the father Yahweh).

3 We declare to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us: and our fellowship is with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. (Mention of Yahweh’s father-god and his son-god Jesus Christ).

4В And these things we write toВ you, that your joy may be perfect. (Appeal toВ the reader).

5 And this is the gospel that we have heard from him and are proclaiming to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in Him. (Mention of the «gospel» – the gospel. Praise of Jesus Christ).

6В If we say that we have fellowship with him, but we walk inВ darkness, then we lie and do not act according toВ the truth; (Praise ofВ Jesus Christ).

7В But if we walk inВ the light, as he is inВ the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood ofВ Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin. (Praise ofВ Jesus Christ, the blood ofВ Jesus В«cleanses us from all sinВ»).

8В If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not inВ us. (All people are sinful, such aВ statement is beneficial toВ the priesthood).

9В If we confess our sins, he, being faithful and righteous, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (The need for confession ofВ sins, which is beneficial toВ the priesthood).

10В If we say that we have not sinned, we present him as aВ liar, and his word is not inВ us. (All people are sinful, such aВ statement is beneficial toВ the priesthood).

ChapterВ 2

1В My children! IВ am writing this toВ you so that you do not sin; and if anyone had sinned, then we have an advocate before the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous; (Everyone sins, from the point ofВ view ofВ religion, and the advocate В«before the FatherВ», that is, before God the father Yahweh should be his son Jesus Christ, the righteous).

2В He is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins ofВ the whole world. (Jesus Christ is the mediator before sinners and Yahweh).

3 And that we have come to know Him, we learn from the fact that we keep his commandments. (Jesus Christ left the commandments – the setting of what is good and what is bad).

4В Whoever says, В«IВ have known him,В» but does not keep his commandments, is aВ liar, and there is no truth inВ him; (It is necessary toВ keep the commandments ofВ Jesus Christ).

5В But whoever keeps his word, the love ofВ God has truly been fulfilled inВ him: from this we know that we are inВ him. (It is necessary toВ keep the commandments ofВ Jesus Christ).

6В Whoever says that he abides inВ him must do as he has done. (It is necessary toВ keep the commandments ofВ Jesus Christ).

7В Beloved! IВ am not writing you aВ new commandment, but an ancient commandment that you had from the beginning. The ancient commandment is the word that you have heard from the beginning. (AВ commandment is aВ law, aВ requirement, aВ moral and ethical attitude).

8В Moreover, IВ am writing you aВ new commandment, which is true both inВ him and inВ you: because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining. (The author declares that he is writing aВ new commandment).

9В Whoever says he is inВ the light, but hates his brother, is still inВ darkness. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

10В Whoever loves his brother abides inВ the light, and there is no temptation inВ him. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

11В But whoever hates his brother is inВ darkness, and walks inВ darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

12В IВ am writing toВ you, children, because your sins have been forgiven for the sake ofВ his name. (The author claims that he is writing aВ new commandment, В«because your sins are forgiven for the sake ofВ his nameВ»).

13В IВ write toВ you, fathers, because you have known who is from the beginning. IВ am writing toВ you, young men, because you have defeated the evil one. IВ am writing toВ you, boys, because you have known the Father. (The author declares that he is writing aВ new commandment for the older generation, young men and boys. The mention ofВ В«BeingВ», В«evilВ», В«FatherВ»).

14 I have written to you, fathers, because you have known the Beginningless. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one. (The mention of «Beginningless», «evil», «the word of God» – the installation of the hypnotist).

15В Do not love the world, nor what is inВ the world: who loves the world, there is no love ofВ the Father inВ him. (The statement that there is no need toВ love the world).

16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but of this world. («All that is in the world» – «is not of the Father, but of this world», the statement that the world is not of God the father. The question arises, and from whom, if the world was created by the same God-father!?! Condemnation of lust, pride).

17В And the world passes away, and his lust, but he who does the will ofВ God abides forever. (В«The world passes away, and his lustВ», В«he who fulfills the will ofВ God abides foreverВ», that is, aВ submissive and obedient slave who performs everything without aВ murmur and is the ideal ofВ nascent Christianity!).

18 Children! lately. And as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and now many antichrists have appeared, then we will learn from the fact that the last time. (Antichrist (Greek) – letters, «opponent of Christ» or «instead of Christ». The opponent of Christ and Christians, who must come before the end of the world, is «the man of sin, the son of perdition» (2 Thess 2:3). In a broad sense, the antichrist is rejecting Jesus Christ and his teaching).

19В They went out from us, but they were not ours; for if they had been ours, they would have remained with us; but [they went out, and] through this it was revealed that not all ofВ us are ours. (It turned out that В«not all ofВ ourВ», that is, former comrades-in-arms are pursuing aВ different policy. But how did God the father not know about it!?).

20 Nevertheless, you have the anointing of the Holy One, and you know all things. (Mention of «anointing from the Saint.» The Messiah (Greek transcription of the Hebrew «Mashiach») – letters. it means «anointed, anointed.» The meaning of this word comes from the ancient customs of anointing with «sacred» oil, symbolizing the transfer of some special spiritual gift. Anointed persons were called persons with the highest spiritual and secular power: kings, priests, prophets. After the fall of the Kingdom of Judah, the word «anointed» came to mean the King of the Last Times. The Greek word «Christ» means the same as the Hebrew word «Messiah» – anointed one).

21В IВ have written toВ you not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, [as well as] that every lie is not from the truth. (Truth is not aВ lie!).

22 Who is a liar if not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist who rejects the Father and the Son. (Former associates reject that Jesus is the Christ, that is, the «anointed one.» Anointing is (most often with olive oil) a way of caring for the body and hair in ancient times. The elevation to the royal dignity, the transfer of the prophetic gift were also accomplished through a special anointing with the sacred olive oil. Therefore, in the New Testament, the word «anoint» acquires a second meaning – «to transmit a spiritual Gift»).

23В Whosoever rejects the Son has neither the Father; but he who confesses the Son has also the Father. (God the father and God the son inВ conjunction: the two gods).

24В Therefore, what you have heard from the beginning, let it also abide inВ you; if what you have heard from the beginning abides inВ you, then you will also abide inВ the Son and inВ the Father. (God the father and God the son inВ conjunction: the two gods).

25В But the promise that he promised us is eternal life. (AВ vow is aВ promise ofВ eternal life, aВ dream ofВ people).

26В This IВ have written toВ you about those who deceive you. (Seducers behave В«incorrectlyВ»).

27В Nevertheless, the anointing which you have received from him abides inВ you, and you have no need for anyone toВ teach you; but as this very anointing teaches you everything, and it is true and untrue, what it has taught you, abide inВ it. (В«AnointingВ» has aВ sacred meaning).

28В Therefore, children, abide inВ him, so that when he appears, we may have boldness and not be ashamed before him at his coming. (It is necessary toВ В«abide inВ Him,В» that is, toВ be an obedient toy inВ the hands ofВ manipulative priests, so that В«we may have boldness and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.В» Endless suggestion about the second coming ofВ Jesus).

29В If you know that he is righteous, know also that everyone who does the truth is born ofВ him. (Truth-tellers are В«born ofВ Him,В» that is, from Jesus Christ).

ChapterВ 3

1В See what kind ofВ love the Father has given us, so that we can be called and be children ofВ God. The world does not know us because it has not known Him. (God the father Yahweh gave love В«so that we could be called and be children ofВ GodВ», the suggestion ofВ exclusivity and В«being chosenВ», but the world does not know this yet, since Jesus is unknown).

2В Beloved ones! we are now children ofВ God; but it has not yet been revealed what we will be. We only know that when it opens, we will be like Him, because we will see Him as He is. (The В«Children ofВ GodВ» will become like Jesus).

3В And everyone who has this hope inВ him cleanses himself as he is pure. (Praise ofВ Jesus Christ).

4В Whosoever commits sin also commits iniquity; and sin is iniquity. (Condemnation ofВ sinfulness and iniquity).

5В And you know that he appeared toВ take away our sins, and that there is no sin inВ him. (Praise ofВ Jesus Christ).

6В Whosoever abides inВ him does not sin; whosoever sins has not seen him and has not known him. (Praise ofВ Jesus Christ).

7В Kids! let no one deceive you. Whoever does the truth is righteous, just as He is righteous. (Praise ofВ Jesus Christ).

8В Whoever commits sin is ofВ the devil, because the devil sinned first. This is why the Son ofВ God appeared toВ destroy the works ofВ the devil. (The В«Son ofВ GodВ» is fighting the slanderous devils, who, however, were created byВ his father! Not all ofВ the oppositionists believed that Jesus was В«the son ofВ GodВ»).

9 Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin, because his seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. («God’s children» are sinless).

10В The children ofВ God and the children ofВ the devil are recognized as follows: anyone who does not do righteousness is not ofВ God, nor does he love his brother. (And the devil has children!).

11В For this is the gospel that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another (mentioning the gospel).

12 Not like Cain, who was of the evil one and killed his brother. And why did you kill him? Because his deeds were evil, but his brother’s deeds were righteous. (References to the Old Testament history).

13В Do not be surprised, my brethren, if the world hates you. (The original Christians were persecuted).

14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers; he who does not love his brother remains in death. (Life, from the point of view of nascent Christianity, meant love for one’s fellow soldiers).

15В Everyone who hates his brother is aВ murderer; but you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding inВ him. (The promise ofВ eternal life for all. who behaves В«correctlyВ»).

16В We have known love inВ this, that he laid down his life for us: and we must lay down our lives for our brothers. (Love is interpreted as the fact that В«He laid down His soul for us,В» that is, he died for his supporters-brothers).

17 But whoever has plenty in the world, but seeing his brother in need, closes his heart from him, – how does the love of God abide in him? (It is necessary to help your fellow supporters).

18В My children! let us love not byВ word or language, but byВ deed and truth. (AВ call toВ brotherly love, В«brothersВ» means supporters).

19В And this is how we know that we are from the truth, and we calm our hearts before him; (The statement that Jesus Christ is the truth, his supporters are В«from the truth,В» therefore they calm down).

20В For if our heart condemns us, then [more than God], because God is greater than our heart and knows everything. (Yahweh knows everything).

21В Beloved ones! if our heart does not condemn us, then we have boldness towards God, (the ancient idea that aВ person thinks with his heart).

22 And whatever we ask, we will receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what is pleasing to him. (If, they say, we behave well, then Jesus will reward us: Talion’s rule).

23В But his commandment is that we believe inВ the name ofВ his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as he commanded us. (The main thing is faith and love В«inВ the name ofВ His Son Jesus ChristВ», the fulfillment ofВ the commandments).

24В And whoever keeps his commandments abides inВ him, and he is inВ him. And we know that He abides inВ us byВ the spirit that He has given us. (Keeping the commandments is the main condition ofВ nascent Christianity).

ChapterВ 4

1В Beloved! do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are from God, because many false prophets have appeared inВ the world. (There are also В«wrongВ» spirits, that is, people who suggest something that is not beneficial toВ certain circles inВ the nascent Christian church).

2В Recognize the Spirit ofВ God (and the spirit ofВ error) inВ this way: every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ, who came inВ the flesh, is from God; (It is necessary toВ В«check" the spiritsВ»).

3В And every spirit that does not confess Jesus Christ, who came inВ the flesh, is not ofВ God, but it is the spirit ofВ the antichrist, ofВ whom you have heard that he will come and is now already inВ the world. (It is necessary toВ В«check" the spirits.В» The Antichrist was also created byВ God the father, from aВ religious point ofВ view).

4В Kids! You are ofВ God, and you have overcome them; for He who is inВ you is greater than he who is inВ the world. (The statement that these children are В«from GodВ» who will overcome the В«wrongВ» spirits, В«for the One who is inВ you is greater than the one who is inВ the worldВ»).

5В They are ofВ the world, therefore they speak inВ the world, and the world listens toВ them. (Those who are from the world are В«wrongВ»).

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