Andrey Tikhomirov "Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible"

Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles from the New Testament. In English. Научный построчный разбор библейских Посланий апостолов из Нового завета. На английском языке.

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update Дата обновления : 14.06.2023

6В We are ofВ God; he who knows God listens toВ us; he who is not ofВ God does not listen toВ us. ByВ this we recognize the spirit ofВ truth and the spirit ofВ error. (Those who are В«from GodВ» are В«rightВ»).

7В Beloved! let us love each other, because love is from God, and everyone who loves is born ofВ God and knows God. (Propaganda ofВ love).

8В He who does not love has not known God, because God is love. (The statement that God is love).

9 God’s love for us was revealed in the fact that God sent his only Begotten Son into the world so that we would receive life through him. (God Yahweh has an «only begotten son» whom he sent into the world. Personification of the gods).

10 This is love, that we did not love God, but he loved us and sent his Son to propitiate for our sins. (Yahweh sent his son to the slaughter to atone for the sins of all people. «It was inherent in all ancient religions that a sin before the deity should be redeemed by a propitiatory sacrifice. And every single person could not help but realize that he was „not without sin.“ The righteous Job had to agree with his opponents that „one born of a woman“ cannot be completely pure before God (Job 25:5). But let us remember that the same Job laid the blame for this on the creator of people: „Is it good for you that you oppress, that you despise the work of your hands?“ (10:3). God himself, who created them, is to blame for the imperfection of people. God was not justified before Job. In Christianity, God was justified. He justified himself by offering a great redemptive sacrifice – his „only begotten“ son – for the „unclean“ and sinful humanity that he had created. With this sacrifice, God redeemed the sins of people, but also his guilt. Redeemed… to whom? In front of you? Illogic? Of course! But, as Engels rightly observes, „in the sacrificial death of its founder, Christianity created an easily understandable form of inner salvation from a corrupt world, consolation in consciousness, which everyone so passionately aspired to,“ and thus Christianity „proved its ability to become a world religion – moreover, a religion that corresponds just to this world.“ This act – a kind of self – justification of the deity – in Christianity, in essence, ended the process of theodicy, the justification of God. God has opened a „way out“ and a „way to salvation“ for suffering humanity.» – writes M. I. Riszski «Biblical Prophets and Biblical Prophecies», pp. 327—328).

11 Beloved! if God has loved us so much, then we should love each other too. (Talion’s rule, God has loved, then it is impossible not to love him).

12В No one has ever seen God. If we love each other, then God abides inВ us, and His love is perfect inВ us. (В«No one has ever seen God,В» the author claims, so there is no God! And people love each other without any gods).

13 That we abide in him and he in us, we learn from what he has given us from his Spirit. («The presence of someone in something» is possible only by suggestion – «Spirit»).

14В And we have seen and testify that the Father sent the Son as the Savior ofВ the world. (Personification ofВ the gods: God the father and God the son).

15В Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son ofВ God, God abides inВ him, and he is inВ God. (It is necessary toВ assert that В«Jesus is the Son ofВ God, God abides inВ him, and he is inВ GodВ»).

16В And we have known the love that God has for us, and have believed inВ it. God is love, and he who abides inВ love abides inВ God, and God inВ him. (God is love).

17В Love reaches such perfection inВ us that we have boldness inВ the day ofВ judgment, because we act inВ this world like him. (God is love).

18В There is no fear inВ love, but perfect love casts out fear, because there is torment inВ fear. The one who is afraid is imperfect inВ love. (God is love).

19В Let us love him, because he first loved us. (God is love).

20В Whoever says, В«IВ love God,В» but hates his brother, is aВ liar: for he who does not love his brother, whom he sees, how can he love God, whom he does not see? (It is necessary, inВ addition toВ loving God, toВ love your fellow brothers).

21В And we have such aВ commandment from him that he who loves God should also love his brother. (It is necessary, inВ addition toВ loving God, toВ love your fellow brothers).

ChapterВ 5

1В Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born ofВ God, and everyone who loves the one who gave birth also loves the one born ofВ him. (An indication ofВ who is considered aВ believer, those. who believes that В«Jesus is the Christ, born ofВ God, and everyone who loves the One who gave birth also loves the One born ofВ HimВ»).

2В That we love the children ofВ God, we learn from when we love God and keep his commandments. (The В«Children ofВ GodВ» are obliged toВ love Yahweh and observe the commandments ofВ God, that is, the Jewish guidelines-laws).

3В For this is the love ofВ God, that we keep his commandments; and his commandments are not hard. (The love ofВ God is the observance ofВ the commandments ofВ God, that is, Jewish attitudes-laws).

4 For whosoever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith. (Faith is suggestion, and then self—suggestion, the «children of God» are fellow brothers of the nascent Christianity).

5В Who conquers the world but he who believes that Jesus is the Son ofВ God? (It is necessary toВ believe В«that Jesus is the Son ofВ GodВ», since there is no evidence).

6 This is Jesus Christ, who came by water and blood and Spirit, not only by water, but by water and blood, and the Spirit testifies of [him], because the Spirit is the truth. (Sacred entities – water, blood, Spirit (hypnotic trance).

7В For three bear witness inВ heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. (These words are absent from the early biblical texts and are probably aВ later insertion designed toВ confirm the dogma ofВ the Trinity).

8 And three bear witness on earth: spirit, water, and blood; and these three are of one. (Sacred entities – water, blood, Spirit (hypnotic trance).

9В If we accept the testimony ofВ men, the testimony ofВ God is greater, for this is the testimony ofВ God, byВ which God testified about his Son. (The personification ofВ God who В«testifiesВ» toВ something).

10В He who believes inВ the Son ofВ God has aВ testimony inВ himself; he who does not believe God presents him as aВ liar, because he does not believe inВ the testimony byВ which God testified about his Son. (Personification ofВ God, who В«testifiesВ» about his son).

11В This testimony is that God has given us eternal life, and this life is inВ his Son. (Yahweh has В«given us eternal life, and this life is inВ His Son.В» Jesus is supposedly eternally alive)

12В He who has the Son (ofВ God) has life; he who does not have the Son ofВ God has no life. (The contrast ofВ those who have the В«Son ofВ GodВ» and those who do not).

13В IВ have written these things toВ you who believe inВ the name ofВ the Son ofВ God, so that you may know that you, believing inВ the Son ofВ God, have eternal life. (The statement that believers inВ the В«Son ofВ GodВ» have supposedly eternal life).

14В And this is the confidence we have inВ him, that when we ask anything according toВ his will, he listens toВ us. (Personification ofВ God the son).

15В And when we know that He listens toВ us inВ whatever we ask, we also know that we receive what we ask from him. (Personification ofВ God the son).

16В If anyone sees his brother sinning with aВ sin not toВ death, then let him pray, and [God] will give him life, [that is] sinning with [sin] not toВ death. There is aВ sin toВ death: IВ am not saying that he should pray. (Various types ofВ sins, the need for prayer-autosuggestion).

17В Every unrighteousness is aВ sin; but there is aВ sin not toВ death. (Various kinds ofВ sins).

18В We know that whoever is born ofВ God does not sin; but he who is born ofВ God keeps himself, and the evil one does not touch him. (В«Born ofВ GodВ» is sinless).

19В We know that we are ofВ God and that the whole world lies inВ evil. (This author declares В«that we are from God and that the whole world lies inВ evil,В» but this world was created byВ God the father!).

20В We also know that the Son ofВ God has come and given us light and understanding, so that we may know the true God and be inВ his true Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. (The son ofВ God the father В«came and gave us light and reason.В» Translated from the religious language into everyday: the priests-hypnotists sent their hypnotized prophet toВ the В«children ofВ GodВ», who inspires what is beneficial toВ these priests-hypnotists).

21В Children! keep yourself away from idols. Amen. (It is necessary toВ guard against В«wrongВ» gods. The first conciliar epistle ofВ John, consisting ofВ five chapters, has been attributed toВ the Apostle John since ancient times. It is called conciliar, because it is written not toВ any one person, or toВ any one church, but toВ believers ofВ all places and times. The epistle was written around 68В AD and aims toВ warn believers against the false teachings ofВ heretics who rejected the В«deityВ» ofВ Jesus Christ).

5.В The Second Conciliar Epistle ofВ the Holy Apostle John the Theologian

ChapterВ 1

1 Elder – to the chosen lady and her children, whom I truly love, and not only I, but also all who have known the truth (Elders – presbyters in the early Christian church called the leaders of the community of the first Christians. In the Apostolic Church, both presbyters and bishops were sometimes called that, without strict distinction. The apostles themselves were called presbyters, or elders. An appeal to a certain lady and her children).

2В for the sake ofВ the truth that abides inВ us and will be with us forever. (The truth supposedly В«abides inВ us and will be with us foreverВ»).

3В May grace, mercy, and peace be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son ofВ the Father, inВ truth and love. (Here it is said inВ the name ofВ the two gods: Yahweh and В«his sonВ» Jesus Christ).

4В IВ was very glad that IВ found ofВ your children walking inВ the truth, as we received the commandment from the Father. (The children ofВ this В«chosen ladyВ», В«walk inВ the truthВ», that is, they are obedient and believe inВ Yahweh and Jesus Christ, an analogy with receiving aВ commandment, that is, instructions, from Yahweh).

5 And now I ask you, lady, not as a new commandment prescribing to you, but the one that we have from the beginning, that we love one another. (The original commandment is love, in fact, love is a feeling that arises as the brain is formed, is also observed in animals, in the form of neural connections in the brain, there are different forms of love: for God, homeland, children, a representative of one’s own and the other sex, fetishism – the deification of various objects, etc.).

6В But love consists inВ our doing according toВ his commandments. This is the commandment that you have heard from the beginning, that you should act according toВ it. (Here love is interpreted inВ the form ofВ the fact that it is necessary toВ act В«according toВ His commandmentsВ», that is, Yahweh and Jesus Christ).

7В For many deceivers have entered the world who do not confess Jesus Christ, who came inВ the flesh: such aВ man is aВ deceiver and an antichrist. (The emerging Christians formed competitors, and inВ the very original Christianity there was no unity, such people were considered seducers and antichrists).

8В Watch yourselves, so that we do not lose what we have worked for, but toВ receive the full reward. (The statement that it is necessary toВ fight against false teachings, otherwise everything can be lost).

9 Whosoever transgresses the teaching of Christ and does not abide in him has no God; whosoever abides in the teaching of Christ has both the Father and the Son. (The condemnation of those who transgress the teachings of Christ and do not abide in him, the one who «abides», that is, observes the attitudes of emerging Christianity, he has two gods: «Father and Son», that is, Yahweh and the son. According to a number of researchers, the trinity of gods emerged later in Christianity as a link between polytheism and monotheism during the transition from polytheism to monotheism. The Trinity existed in the religions of Ancient Egypt (Osiris, Isis, Horus), Ancient India (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva), Babylonia (Anu, Ea, Bel), etc., reflecting the fact of the existence of a monogamous family (dad, mom and child, the role of mom is downplayed due to the rule of patriarchy). «The head of the Ugaritic-Canaanite pantheon was the god El,» writes M.I. Rizhsky in the book «Biblical Prophets and Biblical Prophecies», pp. 24—25, «like the Jews, this word meant „god“, but became a proper name. El had a spouse, the goddess Asher, or Ashirat, and a brother, the god Dagon, the patron of harvests, who later became the main god of the Philistines who settled in the Canaanite land, one of the „peoples of the sea“. But a particularly active and significant figure of the Ugaritic pantheon was Baal, the son of Dagon. In the texts of Ugarit, Baal acts as the god of thunderstorms, the god of war and at the same time as the bearer of rains and harvests, often paired with the goddess Anat, extremely militant and also the patroness of fertility. The cult of this goddess, as well as the cult of another goddess in this pantheon – Astarte, was orgiastic in nature and was associated with sacred prostitution. These were the gods worshipped by the Canaanites of Ugarit and the Canaanites of Palestine, and who, apparently, also became the gods of the Israelites after they found themselves in this land, together with their ancient god of deserts and mountains, Yahweh: when the conquerors settled in Canaan, finally moved from nomadic cattle breeding to sedentarism and farming Obviously, the cults of the Canaanite gods should have become especially attractive to them, since these gods were mainly patrons of agriculture, and their cults were cults of fertility. The bull was the personification of the mighty productive force of nature among many ancient peoples, and archaeological excavations in Palestine found cult figurines of a bull in ancient layers. Stone and wooden pillars in the form of a phallus – a male reproductive organ – were placed in the fields, or such phallic figures were buried in the soil, which was supposed to magically increase its fertility»).

10В Whoever comes toВ you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into the house and do not greet him. (The fight against false teachings).

11В For he who greets him participates inВ his evil deeds. (The fight against false teachings).

12В IВ have many things toВ write toВ you, but IВ do not want toВ write on paper with ink, but IВ hope toВ come toВ you and speak from mouth toВ mouth, so that your joy may be full. (There should be aВ visual meeting soon).

13 The children of your chosen sister greet you. Amen. (Greetings from the sister’s children. Amen – (from others-Heb. «Let it be true, true.» The message dates back to the end of the I century. The second Conciliar epistle of John contains only one chapter; it is written to a certain chosen lady and her children, and is an allegorical appeal to the church and its members).

6.В The Third Conciliar Epistle ofВ the Holy Apostle John the Theologian

ChapterВ 1

1В Elder toВ the beloved Gaius, whom IВ truly love. (Greeting toВ Gaius. The third epistle ofВ John is addressed toВ aВ private person).

2В Beloved! IВ pray that you may be well and prosper inВ everything, as your soul prospers. (Prayer for Guy).

3В For IВ was very glad when the brethren came and testified ofВ your faithfulness, how you walk inВ the truth. (Guy behaves В«correctlyВ»).

4В There is no greater joy for me than toВ hear that my children walk inВ the truth. (Analogy with children).

5В Beloved! you act like aВ faithful one inВ what you do for the brothers and for the wanderers. (Guy behaves В«correctlyВ» inВ relation toВ В«brothersВ», that is, supporters ofВ nascent Christianity and wanderers who have had aВ В«sacred statusВ» since ancient times).

6 They testified before the church of your love. You will do well if you let them go, as it should for God’s sake, (Guy behaves «correctly»).

7 For they went for his name’s sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. (Pagans are non—Judeo—Christians, Christianity has not yet separated from Judaism, they were Judeo-Christians (Ebionites – «beggars»), the name of the early Christian groups of the I—III centuries. who did not break with Judaism and performed Judaic rituals: celebrated the Sabbath, performed circumcision).

8В Therefore we must accept such inВ order toВ become companions ofВ the truth. (Such people should be accepted into Christian communities).

9В IВ have written toВ the churches; but Diotref, who loves toВ be the first among them, does not accept us. (AВ certain Diotref opposes this, the formation ofВ hierarchy inВ early Christian communities has already begun).

10В Therefore, if IВ come, IВ will remind you ofВ the deeds that he does, blaspheming us with evil words, and not being satisfied with that, and he does not accept brothers, and forbids those who wish, and expels from the church. (The fight against Diotref is necessary).

11В Beloved! do not imitate evil, but good. He who does good is ofВ God; but he who does evil has not seen God. (The need toВ do good and resist evil).

12В Demetrius has been witnessed byВ all and byВ the truth itself; we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true. (AВ certificate ofВ aВ certain Dimitri).

13 I had many things to write, but I do not want to write to you with ink and a cane, (They wrote with ink and a cane – style, stick).

14В and IВ hope toВ see you soon and talk mouth toВ mouth. (See you soon).

15 Peace be upon you. Friends greet you; greet friends by name. Amen. (Greeting. Amen – (from others-Heb. «Let it be true, true.» The message dates back to the end of the I century. The third conciliar epistle of John is written to Guy the Corinthian, mentioned in the epistles to the Romans (16:23) and the Corinthians (1 Cor 1:14).).

7.В The Conciliar Epistle ofВ the Holy Apostle Judas

ChapterВ 1

1В Judas, servant ofВ Jesus Christ, brother ofВ James, toВ the called, who are sanctified byВ God the Father and preserved byВ Jesus Christ: (The author ofВ the epistle writes that he is Judas, servant ofВ Jesus Christ and brother ofВ James, В«toВ the called, who are sanctified byВ God the Father and preserved byВ Jesus ChristВ»).

2В May mercy and peace and love multiply for you. (Greeting).

3 Beloved ones! having all the zeal to write to you about the common salvation, I thought it necessary to write you an admonition – to strive for the faith that was once given to the saints. (The need for salvation).

4В For some people have crept in, who from time immemorial were destined for this condemnation, the wicked, who turn the grace ofВ our God into [aВ reason for] debauchery and reject the one Lord ofВ God and our Lord Jesus Christ. (Some В«badВ» people have В«crept inВ», lead aВ dissolute lifestyle and reject Yahweh and Jesus Christ).

5В IВ want toВ remind you, who already know this, that the Lord, having delivered the people from the land ofВ Egypt, then destroyed the unbelievers (References toВ the Old Testament history).

6В and he keeps the angels, who have not preserved their dignity, but have left their dwelling, inВ eternal bonds, under darkness, for the judgment ofВ the great day. (The messenger angels also behaved В«incorrectlyВ»).

7 How Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, who, like them, committed fornication and followed other flesh, having been subjected to the punishment of eternal fire, are set as an example – (The promise of all kinds of troubles to sinners).

8В so it will be with these dreamers, who defile the flesh, reject the authorities and slander the high authorities. (The promise ofВ all sorts ofВ troubles toВ sinners).

9 Michael the Archangel, when he spoke with the devil, arguing about the body of Moses, did not dare to pronounce a reproachful judgment, but said, «May the Lord forbid you.» (Archangels, angels, devils, Yahweh. Jesus Christ and other «magical» characters behave like people, they are people – the personification of these characters).

10В But these speak evil ofВ what they do not know; but what byВ nature, like dumb animals, they know, thereby they corrupt themselves. (Analogies, comparisons).

11В Woe toВ them, for they walk inВ the way ofВ Cain, give themselves up toВ the deceit ofВ aВ bribe, like Balaam, and perish inВ stubbornness, like Korah. (References toВ the Old Testament history. The author ofВ the epistle warns readers toВ be careful with people who preach false teachings, having penetrated the ranks ofВ Christians. The author also considers those who continue toВ adhere toВ the teachings ofВ early Christians toВ be professing false doctrine).

12В Such are aВ temptation at your love parties; feasting with you, they comfort themselves without fear. These are waterless clouds carried byВ the wind; autumn trees, barren, twice dead, extirpated; (Analogies, comparisons).

13В fierce waves ofВ the sea, foaming with their shame; wandering stars, toВ which the darkness ofВ darkness is kept forever. (Analogies, comparisons).

14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied about them, saying: «Behold, the Lord is coming with the darkness of his holy angels – (References to the Old Testament history).

15 To bring judgment upon all, and to rebuke all the wicked among them in all the works that their wickedness has done, and in all the cruel words that wicked sinners have spoken against him.» (The need for «God’s terrible» judgment).

16В These are murmurers who are not satisfied with anything, who act according toВ their lusts (wickedly and lawlessly); their mouths utter inflated words; they show hypocrisy for self-interest. (Condemnation ofВ В«wrongВ» murmurers, those who raise murmurs).

17В But you, beloved, remember what was foretold byВ the Apostles ofВ our Lord Jesus Christ. (It is necessary toВ remember the prediction ofВ the apostles, from В«our Lord Jesus ChristВ»).

18В They have told you that inВ the last time there will be scoffers who act according toВ their ungodly lusts. (It is necessary toВ fight with unholy scolders).

19В These are people who separate themselves (from the unity ofВ faith), spiritual, having no spirit. (It is necessary toВ fight with unholy scolders).

20В And you, beloved, edifying yourselves on your most holy faith, praying with the Holy Spirit (the mention ofВ the В«Holy SpiritВ» is aВ character ofВ the Trinity).

21В Keep yourselves inВ the love ofВ God, waiting for mercy from our Lord Jesus Christ, for eternal life. (It is necessary toВ remain inВ love, that is, toВ be gentle and obedient, Jesus will give mercy and you will supposedly live forever).

22В And be merciful toВ some, with consideration, (Who В«correctlyВ» behaves, then treat them mercifully).

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